Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl Trophy Garden. Some Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl can only captured in the Trophy Garden. Pichu and other “baby Pokemon” can found as random encounters in the tall grass by those hunting for them. More Pokemon will begin to arrive at the Trophy Garden once the main tale of Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl has completed.

The Trophy Garden is in the backyard of the Pokemon Mansion, which can found on Route 212 south of Hearthome City. Outside the Mansion, battling the trainers is also a great way to get money.
List of Pokemon in The Trophy Garden

There several areas in the Pokemon Mansion with goods concealed in garbage cans and even a chamber to heal the party Pokemon. Mr. Backlot, who lives in the Pokemon Mansion’s right wing, is immensely proud of his Trophy Garden. Mr. Backlot will mention a never-before-seen Pokemon roaming throughout his Trophy Garden after receiving the National Dex. This Pokemon varies every day, and some, like Pokemon mascot Pikachu, only seen in the Trophy Garden. As a result, it’s better to see whether he mentions any Pokemon that BDSP fans could interested in.
Simply walk directly to the back entrance to enter the Trophy Garden. Before the National Championship, the following Pokemon found in the Trophy Garden.
Name | Levels | Appearance Rate (time of day) |
Pichu | 16 | 10% |
Pikachu | 18 | 30% (morning); 10% (day/night) |
Staravia | 16-17 | 20% (day) |
Roselia | 16-17 | 30% |
Kricketune | 16-17 | 10% (morning/day); 20% (night) |
Trophy Garden
Daily Pokemon the Pokemon listed by Mr. Backlot, and they all have a 5% chance of appearing. Trying to capture Daily Pokemon can be annoying because they’re unpredictable, and it’s quite easy to miss the day they appear. All of the Daily Pokemon are level 16 or 18.
Daily Pokemon do not emerge on a set day of the week. Players must keep checking in with Mr. Backlot until their desired Pokemon arrives in the Trophy Garden. Saving the game before interacting with Mr. Backlot is one way to reset the Daily Pokemon. If he mentions a Daily Pokemon the player does not desire, they can soft-reset/reload their save file and speak with him again.
Also Read: How To Evolve Scyther In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl
The following Pokemon are Daily Pokemon at the Trophy Garden:
- Cleffa
- Clefairy
- Igglybuff
- Jigglypuff
- Meowth
- Happiny
- Chansey
- Eevee
- Porygon
- Azurill
- Marill
- Plusle
- Minun
- Castform
- Bonsly
- Mime Jr.
Mime Jr. and Bonsly, although being version-exclusives, can found as Daily Pokemon in Shining Pearl and Brilliant Diamond, respectively. In Hearthome City, players will also receive a Happiny Egg, and after obtaining the National Dex, they can obtain Eevee from Bebe. If they want more than one Eevee or Happiny, they can breed them with Ditto or go to the Trophy Garden to find them.