How To Get The Kamuy Of The Nine Tails Mount In Final Fantasy IV. Four rich and fascinating expansions for Final Fantasy 14 have already been released. Stormblood, the game’s second expansion, may appear to be out of date, but there are still dozens of mounts, minions, and weapons to capture. Let’s look at how to obtain the Kamuy of the Nine Tails mount, which is one of the most coveted mounts in the expansion.
The Kamuy of the Nine Tails is the Stormblood expansion’s “capstone” mount. To get it, you’ll need to acquire all of the Extreme Trial mounts available in Stormblood. We’ll look at which extreme Trial drops which mount. Where you can receive the quest for each trial. And some ideas for collecting Kamuy mounts in this section.
6th of January, 2021: Final Fantasy 14 now has even more material to explore, including a range of new mounts, thanks to the release of Endwalker. Because the Kamuy of the Nine Tails remains one of the most magnificent mounts to own, we’ve updated this guide to include more detailed instructions on how to obtain it.
Table of Contents
How To Unlock The Kamuy Of The Nine Tails
To unlock the mission that rewards the Kamuy of the Nine Tails, you must first obtain a total of seven mounts. These mounts are only available in the Stormblood Trials’ Extreme variants.

Below is a list of all the Trials and mounts you’ll need to finish.
The Wandering Minstrel in Kugane gives the task ‘Songs in the Key of Kugane,’ which unlocks all of these quests (x:11.6, y:12.6). After completing the Main Scenario Quest ‘Stormblood,’ and each time you complete the normal version of each Trial, this quest will become available.
To participate in these trials, you must be level 70 or higher. But because to the small party system, you can enter them at your greatest level and with your best gear. This method of completing the Trial will make the fight considerably easier. As your enhanced damage and defence will allow you to avoid difficult fight stages and result in faster clear times overall. This will speed up the process of obtaining the mount. Especially if you form a committed farming group with other players.
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While soloing this fight is not presently doable. A party of four or five players should have no trouble clearing each Extreme Trial while out of rhythm.
You can swap 99 of the Trial’s unique totem for the mount if you’re having bad luck. For example, if you have 99 Bliss Totems but do not yet have the mount, you can directly exchange them for it.
This may be done at the Rhalgar’s Reach NPC Eschina (x:13.8, y:11.7).
The Itinerant Moogle

The Itinerant Moogle is another option for getting these mounts. At certain periods during an expansion’s update cycle, this NPC will emerge with a rotating stock. There is no specific pattern for when the Itinerant Moogle will come. Although you may expect them near the end of an expansion’s storey when there is no new content.
The Itinerant Moogle will have a varied stock of things available for trade each time they come. They’ll always have Extreme Trial mounts, but it won’t be revealed which expansion’s mounts they have until the Moogle appears.
The Itinerant Moogle will accept seasonal Tomestones as payment. Which can be collected through a variety of tasks that will change each time the Itinerant Moogle appears. It’s worth noting that you can only spend a seasonal Tomestone during that season, so you can’t stock up between cycles. Make a point of using them before the Moogle departs.
Limsa Lominsa, New Gridania, and Ul’Dah are all home to the Itinerant Moogle. Keep an eye out for the Itinerant Moogle whenever they return.
A Lone Wolf No More Quest

Accept the quest ‘A Lone Wolf No More’ once you acquire all seven Kamuy mounts. This task is presented by the Kugane News Hawker (x:11.6, y:10).
It’s easy to complete this task; simply speak with the News Hawker, who will direct you to the Wandering Minstrel in Namai. Then, to summon the Kamuy of the Nine Tails, you must go to the designated spot and blow the whistle. The mount will then be yours to show off!