How To Get Indigonium In Slime Rancher. While many of the resources in Slime Rancher will discovered organically while players play the game. Others must sought for specifically. Indigonium is one of the resources that necessitates significant concentration on the part of fans. Since there are only a few ways to collect it. Fortunately, Slime Rancher‘s Indigonium isn’t difficult to come across once you know where to look. This guide will help you in the proper route.

Slime Rancher: Where to Find Indigonium
Drilling for Indigonium is the simplest way to obtain it, albeit it can only obtained from one biome. The Indigo Quarry is that biome, and according to the Slimepedia, Indigonium is the source of the biome’s name. Fans of life simulation video games who are looking for Indigonium should travel to the Indigo Quarry. Lay down any drills they have, and wait for the ore, which is a common resource, to start rolling in.
Indigonium can also found four different Treasure Pods, each of which contains two of the resource. The locations of three of these Treasure Pods noted on the map below. While the fourth is located in the Ancient Ruins. Notably, each of these containers also contains one of Slime Rancher’s Strange Diamonds. An extremely rare resource, providing players with an added reason to search them down.
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Slime Rancher: How to Use Indigonium
Indigonium is used in the lab’s fabricator to make a multitude of different things, many of which Decorations. Decorations, for the uninitiated, are gadgets that Slime Rancher fans. Can employ to brighten up the gaming world, and they serve no other use. The Blue Slime Lamp, the Green Slime Lamp, the Amber Slime Lamp. The Jumbo Shroom, the Minty Grass Patch, the Hexium Formation. The Fireflower Patch, and the Digi Panel the specific Decorations made from Indigonium.
In addition, players can employ Indigonium to build three of Slime Rancher’s Teleporters, which offer significantly more utility than Decorations. Strange Diamonds also required for the creation of these Teleporters, and as previously stated, players can obtain. A handful of these materials by looting Indigonium-containing Treasure Pods. Indigonium can also transformed into Meat Slime Bait or a few different. Curios if a player does not require any Decorations or Teleporters.