How To Get The Yellow Fruit In Gorogoa. Players follow the story of a child searching for five fruits across. A decaying globe in the indie puzzle game Gorogoa. To help the youngster advance on his adventure, players must manipulate beautifully created images within a two-by-two grid. Intricate game with several layers in each frame. After collecting the red and blue fruits in the first two chapters.

A cap studying at a table in a dimly lit area. Click the thought bubble to start a short cutscene. Which the boy flips through his book and considers the various pages.
Destroying the lamp and turning the interior dark. Zoom in on the lantern in the house’s panel. The panel with the two towers and staircases has turned night. Allowing players to pan up to the sky and see a brightly glowing star. To put the star in the lantern and light it, cover the lantern panel with the star panel.
Zoom out and inspect the circular window on the wall with the lantern lighted. Zoom into the box of pencils on the shelf. To the left of the boy in the panel with the boy. As the scale travels, it will combine the panels and build a scale, tipping various articles off the shelf.
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How To Solve Chapter 3 Of Gorogoa

In Gorogoa, zoom into both of the boxes on either side of the shelf. Zoom into the cotton on the ground in the panel with the screw. Zoom into the rocks on the right in the panel with the pencils. To tip the scale in the opposite direction. Zoom out to reveal a star in the glass in the panel with the cotton box. To light the lantern, place it on top of the panel, which will attract a moth.
Zoom into the moth’s wings after attracting it in Chapter 3 of Gorogoa. About the statue from the beginning region. Zoom out to reveal a statue holding a staff in the panel with the fruit sign. To join the panels and allow the boy with the bowl to walk off the screen in the direction. The statue is pointing, zoom into the location the boy is thinking of.
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How To Get The Yellow Fruit
Pan across to the other panel and zoom into the back of the building to follow the red-shirt boy. Return your attention to the coal box on the shelf of the studying boy’s chamber. This will result in a piece of coal falling to the ground and breaking the pot beneath it. Zoom inside the box and drag the panel with the building beneath it to align the matching yellow banners. Forcing the coal to fall onto the panel below’s scaffolding.
Zoom out and pan back over to the studying boy in the panel with the horse. Examine the horse constellation by zooming into his mind bubble. Moving this panel reveals more of the night sky in the other boxes. One of which has a star that players. May utilize to light the lantern by placing the lantern layer over it. Players can zoom into the moth with the lantern illuminated to discover the golden fruit emblem on its wings.
The symbol beneath the panel will revealed by moving the panel. Zoom out of Gorogoa’s moth panel completely to return to the horse’s damaged statue. Pan to the right to reposition the panel on the pointing statue.

Raising this panel reveals the layer behind, which includes a briefcase with a schematic. A clock tower in the background. Zoom back inside the building’s interior room and choose the gadget on. The shelf in the upper right corner of the screen in the other panel. Zoom… out from the studying man to see a globe with a small lighting. Lines up with the bottom of the kettle, causing the dial to turn into the red.
How To Get The Yellow Fruit
Move the top layer to a new panel by zooming into the clock tower. Place the clock’s frame over the newly turned dial. Zoom out from the clock face to show a desk. Leave the flames and zoom in on the globe’s top star.
The top star magnetized, allowing players to spin the compass. To align the compass, arrange the panels such that the magnet is in the lower right corner. The compass in the top left corner. Remove the clock frame from the contraption dial and place the needle. The dial over the compass to make the two resemble clock hands. Overlay the clock frame on top of the rearranged hands. Zoom out to see a man looking through a telescope at a star.
Select the little bulb on the globe that the moth is circling by zooming out from the globe’s star. Allow the moth to settle by selecting the star in the other panel. Placing the lantern on top of it to light it. Zoom.. in on the moth to see the fruit symbol on its wing.
To allow the boy with the bowl to continue. Allowing the yellow fruit to bloom. After picking it and placing it in the bowl, the youngster will return to the right side of the screen.