Pokémon Go January 2022 Field Research Tasks And Rewards . The month of January has arrived, and Pokemon GO trainers have a plethora of activities to keep them occupied as the winter sets in. The second month of the Season of Heritage is now live, and players can look forward to some interesting new chores and challenges to go along with an exciting January activities calendar that will be available in the coming weeks.
Trainers can now begin completing modest tasks and earning daily stamps for the January 2022 cycle of daily Field Tasks and rewards for Pokemon GO users. Some Season-long Field Tasks have returned from last month, but January brings a slew of new features and encounter prizes to keep players engaged. Who are knowledgeable of the tasks offered and the incentives associated with them can assist in prioritising tasks and deciding which to drop and which to accomplish quickly.
Trainers can start picking up the January 2022 field research missions at Pokestops today through February 1 to power through the simple obstacles and collect their daily stamps and related goodies. Should be motivated to complete assignments even after they’ve earned their daily stamp toward the January Research Breakthrough since there are some nice prizes up for grabs in the new year.

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Table of Contents
Catch Tasks
- Normal-type Pokémon 10 Pidgeot Mega Energy
- Grass-type Pokémon 10 Venusuar Mega Energy
- Fire-type Pokémon 10 Charizard Mega Energy
- Pokémon Ryhorn
- Pokémon with Weather Boost Poliwag, Vulpix, Hippopotas, Snover
- Catch 7 Pokémon Magikarp
- Catch a Dragon-type Pokémon Bagon, Dratini
- Use 5 Berries to help catch Pokémon Wurmple
- Catch 5 Different Species of Pokémon Burmy
Throw Tasks
- Curveball Throws in a row Pineco
- Excellent Throws in a row Gible
- Great Throws Lileep, Anorith, Snubbull
- Throws in a row Onix
- Great Curveball Throws in a row Spinda#2
- Nice Throws Dunsparce
Gifts and Friends Tasks
- Open 5 Gifts Slakoth
- Earn 2 Candies walking with your buddy Bunnelby, Slowpoke
- Candies walking with your buddy Stunfisk
- Hearts with your Buddy Eevee
Hatch Tasks
- Eggs Beldum
- Eggs Chancy
- An Egg Mantine
Power up and Evolve Tasks
- Evolve a Pokémon Eevee
- Pokémon 5 times Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile
- Pokémon 3 times Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle
- Power up Pokémon 5 times 10 Venusaur Mega Energy, 10 Charizard Mega Energy, 10 Blastoise Mega Energy, or 10 Pidgeot Mega Energy
- Power up Pokémon 7 times Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip
PokeStop Tasks
- Spin 3 Pokéstops or Gyms Sudowoodo
- Spin 5 Pokéstops or Gyms Ralts
Raids and Trainer Battles Tasks
- Use 10 supereffective Charged Attacks 20 Abomasnow Mega Energy
- Win 5 raids Aerodactyl
- Win a Level 3 or higher raid Kabuto, Omanyte
- A raid Snorlax
- Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts Onix
- Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader Lapras
- Battle in the GO Battle League 2 times Stunfisk
Other Tasks
- Take 2 snapshots of a wild Ice-type Pokémon Spheal
- Take a snapshot of a wild Pokémon Murkrow, Hoppip, Yanma
- Trade a Pokémon Bidoof
- Walk 2km Shellder
Additional chores may appear throughout the month as events come and go, but that’s all the community has discovered thus far. During the early days of the Season of Heritage. Players should learn a lot more about the specifics of other activities. Keep an eye out for additional Pokemon GO strategy guides, news, and updates in the near future.