How To Use Runic Attacks In God of War . God of War alters the series dramatically by transporting Kratos from Ancient Greece to the frigid wastes of Norse mythology. Kratos also has a slew of new attacks and abilities at his disposal, courtesy of the Leviathan Axe’s introduction. With this new weapon, Kratos gains new abilities, one of which is the ability to perform Runic attacks.
How to Use Runic Attacks in God of War
simply hold down the L1 button and press R1, or hold down Q and left click for a light attack, or R2/right click for a heavy attack, during battle. In previous God of War games, runic attacks functioned almost identically to magic, and they could have a variety of effects. For instance, the Wrath of the Frost Ancient Runic attack fires a powerful ice beam that slows enemies but does little damage.

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Of course, before using a Runic Attack, ensure that you have equipped one, which is as simple as going to the weapons menu and selecting one for light and one for heavy. It’s prudent to experiment with various Runic Attacks to determine which one works best for you.
Please visit our God of War wiki for additional tips, tricks, and guides.