How To Unlock Supreme King Jaden Duel Links . To obtain this character, you must complete Floor 29, which is not particularly difficult; however, you can easily progress up to Floor 15. After that, you must wait for the remainder to unlock it.

The wait time varies according to your time zone. To participate in these duels, you will need to obtain some keys, as shown in the image below.
Additionally, you can unlock these keys by participating in ranked duels; if you participate in three ranked duels, you will receive 60 keys, or 20 for each duel. Additionally, you must avoid surrendering; otherwise, you will not receive the keys, as it is irrelevant whether you win or lose; you must complete it.
The other way to obtain keys is to participate in standard duelists, in which case you will receive additional keys at the conclusion of the duel. Additionally, you will receive epic rewards, as depicted in the image below.
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Once you’ve obtained the keys and wish to participate in the event, you must perform an auto duo or duel personally. This is a wave duel; when you defeat one opponent, you will be transported to another, but they will have a low life point, allowing you to easily finish them with a single attack.
When you defeat these duos, your event tasks will be marked as completed.