How To Get Metagross In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl. There is a subset of Pokemon in the Pokemon world that have a base stat total of 600 but do not qualify as “legendary Pokemon.” In the fanbase, they are referred to as “pseudo legendaries.” Each generation of Pokemon introduces a new pseudo legendary. Despite the fact that Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pearl exclude Pokemon from Unova and beyond, trainers still have a small selection of pseudo legendaries to choose from. A powerful Steel/Psychic-type Metagross is one option.
Metagross is the third stage of evolution and descends from Metang, who descends from Beldum. Metagross is instantly recognisable to fans of the series as Hoenn Champion Steven’s signature Pokemon. After becoming Champion in Ruby/Sapphire, players could obtain a Beldum from Steven. Due to the absence of Steven in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, trainers will need to capture and evolve their own Beldum.
Table of Contents
Where to Catch and Evolve Beldum
Beldum, like the majority of the pseudo legendaries in Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl, cannot be captured until trainers obtain the National Dex. Once a trainer has earned the title of Champion and seen every Pokemon in the Sinnoh Dex, he or she must speak with Professor Rowan in Sandgem Town. They will obtain the National Dex and the PokeRadar if done correctly.
Additionally, the postgame unlocks a new feature known as Swarm Pokemon. These are daily outbreaks of Pokemon that occur throughout Sinnoh. To see which Swarms are active, open the menu with the X-button; the goal-objective box will display the type of Pokemon outbreak and its location.
Another way to verify Swarm Pokemon is to pay a visit to Lucas/sister Dawn’s in Sandgem Town or to check one of the working televisions located throughout Sinnoh.

Beldum is a Swarm Pokemon that will appear on Route 228 near the Fight Area and Battle Tower. Beldum has a 40% chance of showing up in a random encounter in the wild during a Swarm.
Another method of capturing Beldum is to enter the Grand Underground using the Explorer Kit.
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Beldum is hidden in the following locations:
- Rocky Cave
- Big Bluff Cavern
- Whiteout Cave
- Icy Cavern
- Glacial Cavern
Beldum’s only known move prior to generation 8 was the Normal-type Take Down. This prevented it from generating STAB and subjected it to recoil damage each time Take Down was used in succession. Beldum now understands Tackle, which means it can use the move freely without fear of recoil or accidentally knocking itself out.
Beldum is a frustratingly difficult Pokemon to catch due to its low catch rate (3), which is on par with a legendary Pokemon. Bring plenty of Ultra Balls or Nest Balls with you when you visit Beldum’s location. Beldum, like other Steel-type Pokemon, cannot be poisoned, but trainers should avoid inflicting it with harmful status ailments (such as Burn), as this may cause Beldum to faint. If players are fortunate, they will catch it.
Beldum will be located on Route 228 at level 53 or in the Grand Underground at level 60. Level 20 in order to evolve into Metang, which can then evolve into Metagross at level 45. Beldum, fortunately, will already be a high-level Pokemon in the postgame, requiring only two levels to reach Metang and then Metagross.
More Information About Metagross

Metagross had the ability to Mega Evolve into Mega Metagross in generations 6-7 and Pokemon GO. When Metagross Mega Evolved, this increased Metagross’ already-high 600 base stat total to 700. Unfortunately for Metagross, unlike the Pokemon remasters Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, Mega Evolution does not return in Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl. Despite this, Metagross remains a force to be reckoned with due to its potent offence and tenacious defence.
Base Stat | Stat No. |
HP | 80 |
Attack | 135 |
Defense | 130 |
Special Attack | 95 |
Special Defense | 90 |
Speed | 70 |
Metagross is a slow-moving Pokemon, but with a base speed of 70, it is capable of outpacing the right opponent. The majority of Metagross’ moves, such as Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash, deal Physical Damage. Despite its Psychic-type, Metagross may perform better in battle when using Steel-type moves. Additionally, Metagross can be taught Earthquake, which protects it from its Fire-type vulnerability.
Metagross has the following Type effectiveness when Steel/Psychic is used:
Strong Against: | Rock, Ice, Fairy |
Weak Against: | Ground, Ghost, Fire, Dark |
Resistant to: | Normal, Flying, Grass, Psychic, Rock, Steel, Dragon, Fairy, Ice |
Immune to: | Poison |
Metagross’s best Nature is Adamant (+Attk, -Sp. Attk), which capitalises on its 135 base Attack stat. Additionally, it should have the Jolly (+Spd, -Sp.Attk) Nature. This will compensate for Metagross’ slow speed, allowing it to move ahead of opponents in battle. Because Metagross does not rely heavily on Special Moves, it is acceptable for Special Attack growth to be a little slower than the rest of its stats. Natures that reduce a creature’s Defense or Attack are not recommended (for example, modest (+Sp.Attk, -Attk).