Pagan Control Chibi Locations In Far Cry 6. There are ten Pagan Chibis in the Pagan: Control DLC for Far Cry 6, and there are a few reasons why players should find them all. For collecting the 10 Chibis, fans will receive a special Dashboard. Prop as well as the Far Cry 6 Pagan: Control achievement. This guide contains information on the locations of all of these collectibles for those gamers who interested in either of those rewards.

Before going over where to find all of the Pagan Min Chibis in Far Cry 6. This means that players can capture a Chibi from afar just by firing a weapon at it.
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Far Cry 6 Pagan Control DLC: Where to Collect Pagan Min Chibis

- Look for the modest wooden hut in front of you with the gleaming purple casing. The first Chibi may found on a tree limb above the case, and players in Far Cry 6 should blast it with a weapon.
- At this area, there a small bridge built of wood slats with multicoloured flags flying over it. The second Chibi perched on the grass roof of a little canoy below the bridge.
- At the water’s edge, there is a rectangular pavilion with a grass roof. The third Chibi perched on the canopy’s rafters.
- At this location, there is a flagpole with multicoloured flags. The fourth Chibi can found on the rock face directly to the south of that pole.
- The fifth Chibi perched atop a massive boulder that runs along the path’s west side. On the north side of that boulder, there is a torch.
- Start going up the rock behind the blue structure on the west side of this region. Follow the path south and cross the wooden plank bridge. After stepping across those planks, the sixth Chibi is in a bird’s nest on the right side.
- At this place, there are two decorative pillars and a sparkling container. On top of the western pillar is the seventh Chibi.
- Far Cry 6 players should head west from the golden altar, toward the colourful flags that hung from the ceiling. Fans should walk an outside trail north from the flags, and the seventh Chibi is hanging from a cliff a little distance up that path.
- The water comes from a cave to the east at this place.
- On the north side of the road, there are some hens near a little canopy. The last Chibi kept in a cage beneath the canopy.