How To Get Tyranitar In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl. With the only option to obtain. Tyranitar in Pokemon Pearl being through a trade from Pokemon Diamond.

Tyranitar is one of three evolutionary stages. There are two distinct methods for catching Larvitar’s first evolution in Brilliant Diamond.
Where to Get & Evolve Larvitar

Larvitar may be located in Brilliant Diamond by utilising the PokeRadar on Route 207. It will be a level 6-7 monster with a 22% probability of emerging.
Larvitar may caught in the Grand Underground by trainers. Grand Underground Pokemon will reach a level of roughly 60 in the postgame. Larvitar and Pupitar are both extremely rare spawns.
If they appear the follow hideaways:
- Rocky Cave
- Big Bluff Cavern
More Information About Tyranitar

Tyranitar’s base stat total of 600 is sufficient to carry it through a battle without resorting to mega evolution.
Base State | Stat No. |
HP | 100 |
Attack | 134 |
Defense | 110 |
Special Attack | 95 |
Special Defense | 100 |
Speed | 61 |
Careful (+Sp.Def, -Sp.Attk) or Impish (+Def, -Sp.Attk) are two more Natures to possess.
Modest (+Sp.Attk, -Attk), Bold (+Def, -Attk), and Calm (+Sp.Def, -Attk) are the natures to avoid.
Speed at the expense of one of its stronger stats (Defense).
Tyranitar acquires an equal number of Physical moves of the Rock and Dark types.
Strengths: | Psychic, Ghost, Flying, Fire, Bug |
Weaknesses: | Fighting (x4), Ground, Grass, Water, Steel, Fairy, Bug |
Resistances: | Normal, Flying, Poison, Fire, Dark, Ghost |
Immunities: | Psychic |
Use TM26 Earthquake on Tyranitar to protect it from Pokemon that are vulnerable to Ground-type attacks.
Tyranitar’s Rock type gives it access to powerful Rock-type techniques like Stone Edge, which are ideal for defeating Bug-type Pokemon. Balance the moves between Rock/Dark and one or two coverage moves.
This means that every Pokemon, including allies, will harmed by the weather. On the other side, a sandstorm increases all Rock-type Pokemon’s Special Defense by 50%. Which is ideal for a hefty Pokemon like Tyranitar.
On Nintendo Switch, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl are now available.