How To Get Aerodactyl In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl. Fossil Pokemon are Pokemon that have become extinct but can be resurrected through the power of science. Trainers can dig for fossils in the Grand Underground in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl. Old Amber is one fossil to keep an eye out for.

Aerodactyl was one of the very first Fossil Pokemon to make an appearance in the Pokemon universe. It is a Rock/Flying-type Pokémon with the ability to Mega Evolve in generations 6-7. Aerodactyl is a Fossil Pokemon that cannot be found in the Wild. Rather doing that, trainers will need to transport the Old Amber to the Oreburgh City Museum to resurrect Aerodactyl.
Where to Get Old Amber
Old Amber, along with other Pokemon fossils, may be found in the Grand Underground. Players can obtain the Skull Fossil when playing Brilliant Diamond, but not the Armor Fossil. Similarly, Shining Pearl gamers will encounter the inverse.
Despite the fact that Aerodactyl is a member of the National Dex, players can mine Old Amber prior to becoming Pokemon Champions.
Once trainers have obtained the Old Amber, they must transport it to Oreburgh City’s Oreburgh Museum. Fly to Oreburgh and then follow the signs for Route 207. To the right is a colossal structure. Enter and chat with the man wearing a lab coat and spectacles. Provide him with the Old Amber, and he will resurrect Aerodactyl. While he claims he needs to concentrate, all players need to do is exit the building, reenter, and speak with him again to obtain their newly-reborn Aerodactyl. Fossil Pokemon will always be randomised in terms of gender, nature, and level.
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More Information About Aerodactyl

Due to Aerodactyl’s Rock/Flying type, it shares several of the same weaknesses as Rock and Flying-type Pokemon. Aerodactyl’s base stat total is 515, however it increases to 615 when Mega Evolved.
It has the following base stat spread and type effectiveness:
Base Stat | Stat no. |
HP | 80 |
Attack | 105 |
Defense | 65 |
Special Attack | 60 |
Special Defense | 75 |
Speed | 130 |
Strengths: | Grass, Fighting, Bug, Flying, Fire |
Weaknesses: | Water, Ice, Electric, Steel, Rock |
Resistances: | Normal, Flying, Bug, Fire, Poison |
Immunities: | Ground |
Aerodactyl is a fast-moving Pokemon that has a high Attack. Physical moves like as Stone Edge and Wing Attack make up the majority of its movepool.
Aerodactyl’s best nature is Jolly (+Spd, -Sp.Attk). This Nature makes a trade-off between Special Attack and base Speed growth.