How To Fix Depression In Project Zomboid. In more ways than one, surviving a zombie apocalypse is a draining experience. Constant vigilance will deplete the survivors’ food and ammo, but it will also deplete their emotional state.

Project Zomboid by The Indie Stone is all about this dynamic. Players must not only manage their character’s physical health, but also their emotional health. Players receive debuffs for states like “panic” and “boredom” thanks to the game’s “Moodle” system.
Depression is one of Project Zomboid’s more debilitating moods, and it will lengthen the time it takes to complete most actions. It’s the most severe type of the unhappiness debuff, therefore it’s difficult to get out of it, even if it’s feasible.

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Handling Depression
The fact that the boredom and unhappiness moodles are linked in-game is telling. Having one increases the chances of getting the other. This reveals crucial information about how to handle both.
Finding positive stimulation is a game when it comes to dealing with sadness and boredom. Food will be one of the most prevalent instances. It will not only address the player’s hunger, but also their mood. It will increase the player’s mood if they find nice tasting food, such as chocolate, or dress up dull food with salt and other additives.
Entertainment is a less common but more effective form of enrichment. Listening to music or watching TV can help players boost their character’s mood. Reading one of Project Zomboid’s many in-game books is the most effective mood booster. While scrounging for food, players should always be on the watch for journalists.
How To Fix Depression In Project Zomboid
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as the adage goes. The best policy is to do these things ahead of time. However, if the player goes into a profound depression, there is an item that can help them swiftly recover.
Antidepressants are featured in Project Zomboid as a quick treatment for depression. They can be found in medicine cabinets and pharmacies by players. One might spawn from a dead zombie if they’re lucky. Players should be aware that the effect isn’t immediate; the anti-depressants take two in-game hours to take effect.
Project Zomboid is still in early access, thus mechanics like moodles are likely to alter in the future. While the majority of the planned improvements are unclear, the developers have mentioned that conversing with NPC survivors will assist both sides maintain their spirits.