The Unquiet Dead Quest Guide In Skyrim. The Anniversary Edition of Skyrim adds some unexpected, but not unwelcome, features to the game, one of which is the opportunity for players to purchase, own, and manage a plantation east of Rorikstead.
Why And How To Complete The Unquiet Dead
The Goldenhills Plantation begins as an abandoned farm, but with the player’s help, it may be turned into a prosperous venture to operate alongside their Skyrim spelunking and adventure, as well as hiring farmhands and a steward to assist with the holding’s administration. However, they must first complete the quest The Unquiet Dead in order to do so.
Players should travel to the Goldenhills Plantation to begin The Unquiet Dead by exiting Rorikstead, a farming settlement in the Hold of Whiterun, and continuing eastward. After discovering the location (and so unlocking it for future Fast Travel). The player will attacked by a ghost, whose defeat initiates the quest. The task can also obtained by asking an innkeeper at one of Skyrim’s many bars for rumours. After which players will escorted to the farm to investigate a haunting.
After the ghost has dispatched, players should search for Urval’s body near the plantation mansion proper. Among Urval’s personal items will be a ripped page from a journal, implying that the player should search for the remainder of it to understand the farm’s tragedy. To accomplish so, one must first enter the house and then climb to the top level, where Urval’s notebook kept.
Urval had concerns that his wife, Jonquil, was a witch, and that she poisoned him after Urval challenged her about it, according to the journal. The players’ next course of action would be to descend to the basement. By looking to the right and activating a button on the wall beside the door, one can get access to Jonquil’s hidden laboratory — a common occurrence in Skyrim quests.

The Unquiet Dead Quest Guide In Skyrim
After that, the cupboard will move to disclose a way to Jonquil’s laboratory. Where the players will attacked by his ghost. The players will be able to read her journal on the apothecary table after defeating their spectral assailant, which will offer more light on the events that led to the haunting. It discloses that the couple murdered each other when their son, Rin, went missing, with each side blaming the other for their child’s death.
After realising the truth, the final element of the journey entails finding Rin’s journal in his room and learning the boy’s true destiny. The boy’s plans to go to an ancient well to hunt a wolf are mentioned in the notebook. Which the players may reach by exiting the home and heading southeast. Looking to their left, until they come across a pack of wolves, one of Skyrim’s easiest opponents.
The players will find Rin’s gnawed-up skeleton next to the well, complete with a wooden toy sword remaining in his grip, after taking care of the pack with their Dragonborn’s weapon of choice. When they return with the sword and lay it beneath the Imperial banner in his room, the task is complete. This calls all three ghosts to a spot near the player, with the kid handing over the keys to the farm as a thank you for putting his family’s restless souls to rest.
After obtaining the key to the Goldenhill Plantation and resolving the haunting issue, players can now use the farm and upgrade it using numerous construction options similar to those found in Skyrim’s Hearthfire DLC.