Nintendo Switch: How To Factory Reset . Whether upgrading to a more recent Nintendo Switch model or transferring to a completely new platform. Some Nintendo Switch owners may decide to sell or trade in their systems for a little additional cash. It always a good idea to factory reset the device before doing so to ensure that no personal information. Even incomplete credit card information passed on to the new owner.

Similarly, when purchasing a used Switch, users would most likely want to eradicate all evidence. The prior owner’s presence so that the console feels really theirs. Furthermore, formatting internal memory can be a quick and easy approach to deal with faulty files. Thus there are more reasons to do so than simply changing hands. In light of this, here’s how to factory reset a Nintendo Switch in a few easy steps.
How to Factory Reset a Nintendo Switch

To factory reset a Switch, players must first navigate to the “System Settings” menu. Which is located on the bottom bar between the icons for “Controllers” and “Sleep Mode”. Once entered, they should go to the left and scroll down to the “System” page. It’s near the bottom, so it should be easy to locate. Players must then push right on the D-Pad or press the “A” button to shift. The blue box from “System” on the left of the screen. “System Update” on the right after selecting the “System” tab.
Players should then scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to find the “Formatting Options” sub-menu. They should now select the “A” button to bring up a new menu. Scroll down to the “Initialize Console” option at the bottom, then press “A” once more. They’ll prompted to close any open game software at point. But if they don’t, they’ll brought to a new screen with information about formatting the console. Players should scroll down and select “Next” after thoroughly reading it.

After pressing the next button, the console will connect to the internet and disconnect any. Nintendo Accounts from the console before displaying a final warning screen. They can either click “Restore Factory Settings” or “Cancel” to return to the previous menu from here. The former is undoubtedly the best solution for those selling or giving away the system. While anyone formatting to deal with technical issues may want to take a slightly different method.
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How to Format a Nintendo Switch Using Maintenance Mode
Though there may be situations when restoring factory settings on a Switch is advantageous. Not everyone will want to give up their valuable save files if they don’t have to. This can avoided by backing them up to the cloud or copying them to a memory card. But if neither of these options are available, there is another solution. By using the console’s maintenance mode, Switch owners may simply restore factory settings without having to destroy their save data.

On a Nintendo Switch, users must turn off the system by holding the power button for three seconds. Then selecting “Power Off” from the “Power Options” menu to enter maintenance mode. They should then keep the power, volume up (+), and volume down (-) buttons down. A few seconds to reboot the machine in maintenance mode. The last step is to select the “Initialize Console Without Deleting Save Data” option and then follow the onscreen instructions.