How To Use Radiant Spincrystal In Genshin Impact. Radiant Spincrystals added to Genshin Impact as part of the 2.4 update. And they can purchased for 100 Realm Currency each from Chubby. The Teapot Traveling Salesman. While the in-game descriptions for these items do provide some information regarding what they perform. Some players may still be unsure how to use Radiant Spincrystals in Genshin Impact. This guide will answer all of your questions. And give you all of the information you need about these unique Adventure Items.
Genshin Impact: How to Use Radiant Spincrystals
A player will unlock a song from Genshin Impact after earning a Radiant Spincrystal. And they will earn the privilege to have that song play in their Serenitea Pot. However, fans must first purchase one of two goods before a soundtrack can added to that world. These the Euphonium Unbound: Soaring and Euphonium Unbound: Winding. Both of which may purchased from Tubby’s Realm Depot in the Serenitea Pot’s Riches of the Realms area.

Players must place the Furnishing after acquiring the Euphonium Unbound: Soaring or Euphonium Unbound: Winding. When in Genshin Impact’s Serenitea Pot. Access the Edit menu by clicking on the hand near the top-right corner of the screen. And then selecting the Landscape tab near the bottom. Players should then choose their Euphonium Unbound from the list of goods and place it. In their favourite spot by clicking on the Ornament tab under Landscape.
Fans of Genshin Impact should now exit the Edit menu and return to the location. Where they placed their Euphonium Unbound. The Furnishing should then interacted with to bring up a menu listing the Realm Music that is available to them. Fans can change the music playing in their Serenitea Pot. By picking the appropriate song and hitting “Switch” at the bottom of the menu. And they can also unlock songs for which they have a Radiant. Spincrystal by selecting the song and pressing “Unlock” at the bottom of the menu.

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Last but not least, the Teapot Traveling Salesman from Genshin Impact will restrict players from acquiring Radiant Spincrystals in bulk. This implies that fans won’t be able to buy a song that they’ve already unlocked by accident. Because it’s simply not possible. As a result, those who are attempting to collect all of the Radiant Spincrystals. Should feel free to buy any that Chubby makes accessible.
Genshin Impact is now available on iOS, Android, PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. A Switch port is in the works.