How To Raid In Crusader Kings 3. Crusader Kings 3 is a game that takes historical accuracy very seriously. It makes every effort to replicate the mediaeval era’s customs, religions, and fighting methods as closely as possible. Raiding is one facet of this, which is most frequently associated with the Vikings.
Raiding is a wonderful technique for certain characters in Crusader Kings 3 to increase their gold stashes, exact retribution on an adversary, or simply pass the time during a sluggish couple of years. However, there are limitations on who can raid and how they go about doing so.
Table of Contents
Who Can Raid?
As raiders, there are only three categories of characters who can raise an army:
- Unreformed Pagans. This encompasses all religions that aren’t Abrahamic or Eastern in origin. If the faith is reformed, you will be unable to raid.
- Tribal leaders.
- Any character of a dynasty with the Legacy of Piracy modifier. This modifier is granted to the dynasty that takes the decision to “Elevate the Kingdom of Mann & the Isles.”
How Do You Raid?

You can recruit an army of raiders in the Military menu if you’re playing as a character who can raid. When this army is put in a province that you do not own, it will instantly raid it, sieging the holding as if you were at war.
- Even if you aren’t at war, you can’t move your army out of a province after a raid has started, and they can be assaulted by the province’s owner.
- Raiders will earn loot after successful raids, but they must return home before the loot is credited to your bank account. The loot will be reclaimed by its proper owner if they are slain before going home.
A province is immune to raiding for five years after it has been raided. However, it will be penalised in terms of building construction time, taxes collected, and development growth. Raids can be particularly harmful to a ruler’s economy in this way.
After a province has been raided successfully, it is also possible to sack it. If the raiding army is led by your character, this can happen (at a 30% chance). Sacking a province will provide you a few options: there will always be one that gives you more wealth and prestige, but you may also be able to capture slaves, which will significantly enhance your realm’s capital’s development growth.
Sacked provinces are immune to sacking for 20 years, but they suffer bigger maluses in the meanwhile.
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How To Get The Raider Trait

Characters with the Raider characteristic have led their troops to several successful raids. If your character comes from a culture that values innovation, this quality will be referred as as Viking.
The Raider trait provides the following buffs:
- +2 Martial skill
- +3 Prowess skill
- +0.3 Monthly prestige gain
- +5 Same trait opinion
- The chance of a province being sacked after a raid increased from 30 percent to 50 percent when this character is leading the raid
- When this character is conducting the raid, the risk of a province being sacked following a raid rose from 30% to 50%.
A character must lead a raid at least 20 times to earn the trait. After reaching this milestone, every subsequent raid has a chance to bestow the trait, with the chance equal to the number of times the character has raided successfully.
Raiding Tips

- Only provinces with possessions are raidable. Many provinces have no holdings at the beginning of the 867 start date, so don’t spend your raids there.
- You will be despised by the owner of a holding that you have raided.
- Raiders may also seize them and their families and imprison them.
- You can’t raid provinces with whom you’ve reached an agreement.
- Only inside a province that you own can you transform a raiding army into a regular army.
- To allow raiding troops to go onto seas, you’ll need either the Longships or the West African Canoes invention.