How To Examine The Mechanism And Open The Great Door In Genshin Impact. The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent is a World Quest from Genshin Impact. That begins with players visiting ruins in Enkanomiya. When fans arrive at the ruins. They must defeat some foes before asked to study a mechanism and then open the enormous door. This tutorial meant to help those Genshin Impact players who unsure how to approach that target.
Examine the Mechanism
Fans who want to access the big door in Genshin Impact’s The Subterranean Trials of Drake. And Serpent quest can start by looking for the triangle mechanism denoted by a waypoint. This the mechanism mentioned in the quest objective. And in order to “study” it, fans must hit it with a regular attack. If the huge door in front of the mechanism does not drop as a result of this action. Players should simply step away from the device and try again.
Players should enter the ruins and speak with the NPC upstairs after striking the triangle device. And opening the huge entrance. Fans wiltaken to the library after that talk. Where they instructed to examine the back of the library and solve the riddle in Genshin Impact. This is another phase in the Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent quest that may cause some confusion for fans. As it necessitates the activation of a succession of triangle mechanisms in a specific order.

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Open the Great Door
However, this isn’t the last time players may become trapped throughout this World Quest. And the most difficult phase is just around the corner. Indeed, those who go through The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent. Will eventually instructed to collect the three parts in Genshin Impact. Which can be a challenging undertaking. This is owing to the fact that in order to collect the fragments. Fans must complete three subquests, some of which feature complex challenges.
For example, the Heart of Ouroboros quest contains a puzzle. That fans must solve in order to earn one of the Reins of Revival fragments. More specifically, that problem needs players to solve the riddle at the altar in Genshin Impact’s Serpent’s Heart. And the solution isn’t always evident. Players that pay attention to the ground should be able to pass beyond this section. And move on to the completion of The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent.
Genshin Impact is now available on iOS, Android, PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. A Switch port is in the works.