How To Evolve Magmar Into Magmortar In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl. Magmortar initially introduced to the ever-growing list of Pokemon in the Sinnoh region of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Magmortar is a descendant of Magmar, who is a descendant of Magby, Magmortar’s infant form.
In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, there are several convoluted ways to evolve, and getting Magmar to develop into Magmortar needs significant grinding and a very specialised approach. This article will show players how to evolve Magmar into Magmortar step by step.

Magby is only available in Pokemon Shining Pearl. And can found in the Grand Underground’s Volcanic Cave, Typhlo Cavern, and Sandsear Cave locations. Because there are no wild Magmars or Magmortars to capture. This is the first step toward obtaining the entire evolution chain.
By trading with another player, Brilliant Diamond gamers can add Magby to their Pokedex. To obtain Magmar’s Pokedex entry, the baby Pokemon must levelled up to 30 and evolved. To evolve Magmar into Magmortar, however, a specific item must obtained.
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How to Get Magby in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Players must trade a Magmar holding a Magmarizer to evolve Magmar into Magmortar. To obtain a Magmarizer, players must return to the Grand Underground in Shining Pearl. And find a Magby carrying one in the Volcanic Cave, Typhlo Cavern, and Sandsear Cave locations. The item can obtained by capturing a Magby holding it or using a move like Thief.
It’s worth noting that a Magby only has a 5% chance of having Magmarizer. Thus getting the held item can take a while. Thankfully, players can see which Pokemon are traversing the Grand Underground. Allowing them to avoid confrontations that might add to their Magmarizer grind time.

Once you’ve obtained a Magmarizer held item from a Magby in Pokemon Shining Pearl, equip it to a Magmar and exchange that Pokemon with another player, either locally or online. Make sure it’s someone the players can trust, because after Magmortar has evolved on their system, that person will have to trade it back.
The Magmarizer only required for the evolution of a Magmar into a Magmortar, so players only need to look for it once unless they want multiples. Magmortar is a great Pokemon to bargain with while trading because the process can take a long time, and spares could lead to some hard-to-find exchanges.
How To Evolve Magmar Into Magmortar In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl