How To Get To Rito Village In Zelda Breath Of The Wild. Many isolated, perilous, and unique areas can be found in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. While locating Rito Village isn’t particularly dangerous, it can be difficult to locate and navigate. Players in Breath of the Wild who want to access the Rito Village content must first go to the adjacent valley, which has its own set of challenges.
To continue the main Breath of the Wild quest path, players must travel to Rito Village. To get to Rito Village, which is surrounded by a deep lake, huge mountains, and hostile opponents, players must use the environment, the paraglider, and other powers available to Link in Breath of the Wild.
How to Get to Rito Village

Rito Village is west of the Great Plateau, south of the Hebra Mountains, and north of the Tabantha Frontier. There are several options for getting to the village. The main road leading west from the Great Plateau tower to the Tabantha Great Bridge is open to players. They can then proceed to Rito Village by following the route north of the bridges. While not as deadly as, say, a boss fight in Breath of the Wild, this path does bring some foes and obstacles. Take the route north to Tabantha Tundra and then back down to Rito Village as an alternative.
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Of course, players can always travel across the country to Rito Village and climb/glide their way there. If players succeed, this way may be faster and less violent than previous options. However, it can be tedious and difficult for Link to navigate, which is why novice gamers would be best off staying on the road. Players who choose this path should be aware of where some of Zelda’s cooking pots are located so that they can prepare food for the journey. Overall, though, the trip shouldn’t be too difficult for more experienced players.
Despite its distant location, Rito Village is vital to the continuation of Breath of the Wild’s unique plot. As the Nintendo Switch grows in popularity, it’s important to remember and enjoy the great games that have helped to develop the device into what it is today. No game has done it better than Breath of the Wild, and part of what makes the experience so exciting and memorable is exploring new regions, completing new missions, and battling new foes.