How To Investigate The Rear Of The Library And Solve The Puzzle In Genshin Impact. One of the first tasks players will encounter on their adventure through Enkanomiya is investigating the back of the library in Genshin Impact. It takes a long time for anyone to locate traces of the old civilisation after delving deep into the area. The library is the second huge structure they’ll come upon. Before entering the location, players must first trigger a mechanism. Then, if they go to the higher floor, they’ll meet Enjou, a suspicious scholar.

Enjou claims to be fluent in Enkanomiya’s old language and claims to be there to help the “hero” finish the trial. The Traveler’s first duty is to locate an artefact known as Golden Bridle. This treasure, according to the scholar, can found nearby, just behind the library.
When players get in the indicated spot, however, they will quickly discover that the Golden Bridle buried behind various mechanisms. Genshin Impact players can use this guide to properly probe the back of the library and solve the challenge.
How To Investigate The Rear Of The Library In Genshin Impact

Players will find a small building with a chest inside after arriving at the designated location. The road to the box, however, blocked, so they must figure out how to get around it. To accomplish so, players must use the Triangular Mechanism, which can found throughout the area.
The mechanism on the east is the first one that players must activate. Simply hit it with any type of attack to do so. Following that, a short cutscene will appear, demonstrating that a wall has moved from its original position.

The second Triangular Mechanism may found on the building’s southern side. To start the cutscene, hit it with any attack, just like previously.

The quest prompt will change to “Obtain the Golden Bridle” if players performed everything correctly. When this occurs, simply enter the building and proceed down the corridor. Players will eventually arrive in a little chamber with a chest within.
This Genshin Impact chest has the required quest item, Dull Golden Bridle, as well as the usual Exquisite Chest prizes. Players must then return to the library and chat with Enjou. The scholar will then invite the Traveler to Dainichi Mikoshi to meet him. He did not, however, provide any information on how to go to the location he mentions.
Fortunately, Genshin Impact provides suggestions as to where players should go. Enjou eventually discovered on Dainichi Mikoshi’s shattered bridge. Players will required to circle the area, even to the extent of circling a different island in the south, as part of this mission.
Fortunately, the trouble is well worth it, since Enjou quickly takes players to Enkanomiya’s most essential mechanism. People will be able to alter the time in the area from Whitenight to Evernight, and vice versa, using this equipment. Changing the time will bring about a variety of effects, the most prominent of which being the availability of particular riddles.