How To Beat Sierra In Pokemon Go January 2022. Team GO Rocket is getting ready to unleash more mayhem in the world of Pokemon GO as trainers ring in the new year. Sierra, a member of Team GO Rocket, is looking forward to new team opportunities as the month progresses.
Sierra can only be found by defeating Team GO Rocket Grunts at infiltrated Pokestops and collecting six “Mysterious Components.” These may be used to build the Rocket Radar, which leads to the locations of Sierra, Cliff, and Arlo in the area.
Sierra’s Pokemon are rather straightforward, but because they are of many sorts, they might be challenging to counter. So, if you’re wanting to put together a squad to take down Sierra in Pokemon GO, here are some options for Pokemon to bring into battle.
Table of Contents
First Pokemon

Sierra’s trusted female Nidoran is always her first Pokemon. Nidoran is a Poison-type Pokemon who is vulnerable to Ground and Psychic attacks. Gallade with Confusion and Psychic or Rhyperior with Mud-Slap are two good choices, and Rock Wrecker is also a good alternative.
Second Pokemon
Sierra’s next Pokemon choice is either Beedrill, Vileplume, or Slowbro.

Because Beedrill is a Poison-type bug, Fire, Flying, Psychic, and Rock-type attacks are particularly effective against it. Charizard with Fire Spin and Overheat or Rhyperior with Mud-Slap and Rock Wrecker are also solid choices.

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Vileplume is a Grass and Poison-type monster, meaning it’s vulnerable to Fire, Ice, Flying, and Psychic attacks. Chandelure with Fire Spin and Overheat, or Mewtwo with Psycho Cut and Psystrike, are two viable choices.

Slowbro is a Water and Psychic-type Pokemon, which means it is vulnerable to Bug, Dark, Electric, Grass, and Ghost attacks. Banette with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball or Magnezone with Spark and Wild Charge are both strong choices.
Third Pokemon
Houndoom, Marowak, or Nidoqueen are all choices for Sierra’s third Pokemon.

Because Houndoom is a Dark and Fire-type Pokemon, it is vulnerable to Fighting, Ground, Rock, and Water-type attacks. Conkeldurr with Counter and Dynamic Punch or Kingler with Bubble and Crabhammer are also good choices.

Because Marowak is a Ground-type Pokemon, it is vulnerable to Grass, Ice, and Water-type attacks. Mamoswine with Powder Snow and Avalanche or Gyrados with Dragon Breath and Aqua Tail are two strong choices.

Finally, Nidoqueen is a Pokemon that is both Ground and Poison in nature. Ground, Ice, Psychic, and Water-type techniques are all quite efficient against it. Garchomp with Mud Shot and Earthquake or Lugia with Dragon Tail and Future Sight are also solid choices.