Where To Find Kirlia In Pokemon Sword And Shield. Trainers could only add a Kirlia to their team by evolving Ralts before Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. Kirlia is now a Wandering Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield, and may also be found in Max Dens. Trainers will save time by not having to catch and evolve Ralts if they find a Kirlia in the wild.

Kirlia is a Psychic/Fairy-type Pokemon that can develop into Gardevoir, which is also Psychic/Fairy-type. If Kirlia is a male, it can also evolve into Gallade, a Psychic/Fighting-type creature. In Sword & Shield, trainers who want to add a powerful Psychic-type to their team may try catching and evolving Kirlia.
Where to Find Kirlia in the Wild

As a Wandering Pokemon, Kirlia can be found in the Rolling Fields of the Wild Area. Wandering Kirlia only appear in Foggy Weather, and there are three of them. Kirlia will be a level 26 before obtaining all of Galar’s gym badges. Kirlia, like with other Wild Area Pokemon, will be level 60 once players have completed Sword & Shield’s main tale.
The Grass Badge (the first gym badge) only permits trainers to catch Pokemon up to level 25, yet Kirlia is just one level higher. Trainers must obtain the Water Badge (the second gym badge), which allows them to capture Pokemon up to level 30.
The quickest way to obtain Kirlia is to develop Ralts. Ralts appears at a much lower level than Kirlia in the Wild, therefore trainers won’t require gym badges to catch it. Ralts can be found in the following places:
- Dappled Grove
- North Lake Miloch
- South Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Ralts, unlike Kirlia, is a Random Encounter with a 40% chance of occurring. It will only spawn when the weather is foggy, like as Kirlia. In order to become a Kirlia, Ralts must reach level 20.
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Max Raid Battle: Kirlia

Kirlia may also be found in Pokemon Dens if you don’t want to evolve Ralts. Kirlia has a chance of appearing in the dens at these locations without Sword/expansion Shield’s pass:
- Bridge Field
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
Kirlia can spawn as a Max Raid Pokemon in the Isle of Armor DLC at:
- Fields of Honor
- Soothing Wetlands
- Forest of Focus
- Challenge Beach
- Training Lowlands
- Stepping-Stone Sea
- Insular Sea
Kirlia is a 2-star Max Raid Battle Pokemon with a potential of being upgraded to a 3-star or 4-star. Players should be aware that 2-star Raid Pokemon will not emerge until they have obtained at least 2-3 gym badges. Max Raid Kirlia, like Wandering Kirlia, can’t be collected unless Gym Leaders Milo and Nessa are vanquished.
Trainers just need the first three gym badges to catch Kirlia at its lowest level because its worth is a 2-4 star Max Raid Pokemon. The Isle of Armor DLC adds new Max Dens into which players can search for Kirlia.