How To Beat Arlo In Pokemon GO January 2022. Pokemon GO turned five years old last year. It’s back in 2022, right in time for the Season of Heritage. Niantic’s genre-defining ARPG is still growing, with new events, Pokemon, and features released every month. Taking on the Team GO Rocket Leaders, each of which has their own lineup of formidable Pokemon. One of the most exciting activities for trainers in Pokemon GO.

Arlo is one of the more difficult Team GO Rocket Leaders to take down, especially with his new line-up. The successful return of Team GO Rocket Boss Giovanni in November 2021. Replaced all of Arlo’s lieutenants’ Pokemon teams, although Arlo has stuck with the same team into 2022. Players who want to confront the former Team Valor prodigy will need to put together the ideal team.
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Arlo’s First Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Arlo, like many of the Team GO Rocket Leaders, starts every battle with the same Pokemon. This is Gligar, the Fly Scorpion Pokemon, in Arlo’s instance. Because Gligar is a Ground/Flying type, he is vulnerable to Water and severely vulnerable to Ice.
Gligar is easily defeated by a powerful Ice or Water Pokemon, especially if it is Ground or Flying resistant. Mamoswine with Powder Snow and Avalanche, Glaceon with Frost Breath and Avalanche. Alolan Sandslash with Powder Snow and Ice Punch are all excellent choices.
Arlo’s Second Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Cradily, Lapras, or Mawile are the options for Arlo’s second Pokemon in Pokemon GO. As a Rock/Grass-type, Cradily is vulnerable to Bug, Fighting, Ice, and Steel. Because Lapras is Ice/Water, it is vulnerable to Electric, Fighting, Grass, and Rock attacks. Because Mawile is a Steel/Fairy, she is vulnerable to Fire and Ground.
While no single Pokemon can protect you from all of these flaws. There are a few viable options that can protect you from more than one. Cradily and Lapras are easily defeated by Lucario or Hariyama with Counter. While Mawile is best suited to powerful Ground or Fire-types like Rhyperior with Mud Slap or Entei with Fire Fang.
Arlo’s Third Pokemon in Pokemon GO

In Pokemon GO bouts, Arlo will send out one of three Pokemon for his last choice: Gardevoir, Scizor, or Snorlax. Because Gardevoir is a Psychic/Fairy, he is vulnerable to Ghost, Poison, and Steel. Scizor is a Bug/Steel creature, which means it’s only. Vulnerable to Fire and has a slew of other defences, like Grass and Poison. Finally, because Snorlax is a Normal-type Pokémon, its lone weakness is Fighting.
Due to Snorlax’s Fighting weakness, players may be able to re-use a Pokemon they used to counter Cradily and Lapras. Hariyama, Machamp, or Lucario are all strong choices for this, especially if they have Counter as a Fast Move. Scizor is a bit more difficult, and it almost demands. That players have at least one Fire Pokemon on their squad. Entei or Darmanitan with Fire Fang, as well as Charizard or Blaziken with Fire Spin. Are excellent choices, especially when combined with Overheat or Blast Burn as the charge move. Finally, a Steel or Ghost/Steel Pokemon is the strongest counter to Gardevoir, with Metagross, Chandelure, and Genesect being good choices.