How To Get Into The Abandoned Palace In The Forgotten City. While exploring the old Roman streets of The Forgotten City, players will discover several mysteries, including how to enter the Palace and what awaits them within its gates. Naevia has barricaded herself within the magnificent structure, and gaining entrance leads to one of the game’s most memorable moments.
It is not necessary to enter the Palace to complete the story-driven indie game, but it is required to unlock three of the four possible endings in The Forgotten City. This tutorial will show players how to sneak into the Palace and learn about Naevia’s fate.
How to Get Into the Palace in The Forgotten City

To enter the Palace, players must first collect the Golden Bow. To obtain the Golden Bow, you must first locate the Wooden Bow in The Forgotten City. Talk to Desius at the Marketplace once you’ve been rescued from the assassin’s body. After extinguishing the lights, he will unlock the door to the Shrine, which contains the Golden Bow, and players can now switch their wooden bow for it.
By shooting an arrow at the hornet’s nest using the bow, you can turn it into gold. The floor will give way, and players can now go to the Palace by following the passage. In The Forgotten City, both algae in the water and vines can transformed into gold. This makes them walkable/climbable, opening up more passageways in this stage of the game and allowing you to explore more of the city.
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Because players will have the Golden Bow in their inventory during future time loops in The Forgotten City. The Palace can only visited once during a playing. Desius is aware that players have it in their possession, thus he will not extend the same offer that unlocks the shrine path required for access to the Palace.

How To Get Into The Abandoned Palace In The Forgotten City
If players want to replay the storey again, they should save before exploring the Palace. Even with the game’s existing ethically dubious implications, it’s a fairly gloomy storey. The truth about Naevia and the golden statues, on the other hand, is one of the reasons The Forgotten City outperforms its original Skyrim version.
Players are under no obligation to complete this action/horror sequence. The Golden Bow, on the other hand, must obtained to gain access to a vital item in order to get the best potential ending. Because the Golden Bow cannot obtained without entering the Palace. The golden statue mystery must solved at least once if players intend to obtain several endings.