How To Unlock Bozjan Southern Front FFXIV. In Final Fantasy 14, players can level up their jobs in ways other than just conducting duty roulettes. One of these is the Southern Front of Bozjan.

With Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker introducing two new jobs. The Reaper (RPR) and the Sage (SGE), both of which start at level 70. It’s more crucial than ever for players to understand how to bridge the level gap between them and Endwalker’s content. In Final Fantasy 14, getting levels through duty roulettes is a viable option. But the additional experience payouts — while undeniably large – are only available once each day. This is where the Bozjan Southern Front enters the picture.
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What Is The Southern Front Of Bozjan And How Do I Unlock It?
In Final Fantasy 14, the Bozjan Southern Front is an alternative method of levelling characters’ combat jobs. It an instanced zone designed for 72 players. With a never-ending stream of FATEs and responsibilities that eligible players can queue for. Each of the Bozjan Southern Front’s events provides a substantial amount of experience. The system neatly gated by Ranks, which players advance through by acquiring mettle, the zone’s currency.
Players must first finish the alliance raid questline in Final Fantasy 14. Stormblood to gain access to the Bozjan Southern Front. The Royal City of Rabanastre, The Ridorana Lighthouse, and The Orbonne Monastery are the three “Return to Ivalice” raid instances. In addition, players must complete the main plot scenario quests in Shadowbringer up to “Old Enemies, New Threats”. Which marks the start of the 5.2 content.

If the player has not yet unlocked Gangos. The Bozjan Resistance’s headquarters, they must also complete a short questline that begins in Kugane with “Hail to the Queen”. Which can started by speaking to Keiten in the Kogane Dori markets.
After completing all of these requirements, the player can finally take on Marsak’s “Where Eagles Nest”. Which grants entry to the Bozjan Southern Front and its primary aetheryte at the zone’s starting point. Continuing this questline will also allow players to construct. The level 80 relic weapons that included in the Shadowbringers patch content for their preferred combat job.
The players’ levels locked to 80 by the Bozjan Southern Front, even if they below it, and the player’s Rank used an alternate way of power advancement peculiar to Bozja. Whatever experience they gained while working in the job for which they joined the zone. Players earn mettle by completing duties and FATEs on the Bozjan Southern Front. Which allows them to raise their Rank and gain access to more of the zone – and, as a result, higher-ranked duties and FATEs.
Bozja best enjoyed in short or moderate doses, as its constant availability can lead to gamers becoming burnt out.
Final Fantasy 14 is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.