All Pokemon Pre-National Dex In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. For some trainers, the Sinnoh Dex in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl may be too limited. Players will only have access to 150-151 species of Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl before they unlock the National Dex, as they are remakes of the original Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl.
Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh Pokemon make up a large portion of the beginning dex (Sinnoh Dex). Pikachu and other well-known Pokemon can be captured before the Elite Four, while Eevee and other fan favourites can only be obtained after the Elite Four. Another frequent issue with the Sinnoh Dex was the paucity of non-Chimchar and Ponyta Fire-types. Players have a little more variety with Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl’s Grand Underground.
That players will come across before defeating Champion Cynthia. Because some Pokemon are version-specific, catching them all without exchanging will be impossible. Players must see all of the Pokemon in the Sinnoh Dex to obtain the National Dex. Don’t worry about being shut out of the National Dex; throughout the tale of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, all 150 Pokemon will be encountered.
Manaphy, who is #151 in the Sinnoh Dex, is also available. They’ll have until February 21, 2022 to obtain a Manaphy Egg from Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl’s Mystery Gift.
Pokemon in the Sinnoh Dex

No. | Name | Type | Can be caught in: |
#001 | Turtwig | Grass | Both |
#002 | Grotle | Grass | Both |
#003 | Torterra | Grass/Ground | Both |
#004 | Chimchar | Fire | Both |
#005 | Monferno | Fire | Both |
#006 | Infernape | Fire/Fighting | Both |
#007 | Piplup | Water | Both |
#008 | Prinplup | Water | Both |
#009 | Empoleon | Water/Steel | Both |
#010 | Starly | Normal/Flying | Both |
#011 | Saravia | Normal/Flying | Both |
#012 | Staraptor | Normal/Flying | Both |
#013 | Bidoof | Normal | Both |
#014 | Bibarel | Normal/Water | Both |
#015 | Kricketot | Bug | Both |
#016 | Kricketune | Bug | Both |
#017 | Shinx | Electric | Both |
#018 | Luxio | Electric | Both |
#019 | Luxray | Electric | Both |
#020 | Abra | Psychic | Both |
#021 | Kadabra | Psychic | Both |
#022 | Alakazam | Psychic | Both |
#023 | Magikarp | Water | Both |
#024 | Gyarados | Water/Flying | Both |
#025 | Budew | Grass/Poison | Both |
#026 | Roselia | Grass/Poison | Both |
#027 | Roserade | Grass/Poison | Both |
#028 | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Both |
#029 | Golbat | Poison/Flying | Both |
#030 | Crobat | Poison/Flying | Both |
#031 | Geodude | Rock/Ground | Both |
#032 | Graveler | Rock/Ground | Both |
#033 | Golem | Rock/Ground | Both |
#034 | Onix | Rock/Ground | Both |
#035 | Steelix | Steel/Ground | Both |
#036 | Cranidos | Rock | Brilliant Diamond |
#037 | Rampardos | Rock | Brilliant Diamond |
#038 | Shieldon | Rock/Steel | Shining Pearl |
#039 | Bastiodon | Rock/Steel | Shining Pearl |
#040 | Machop | Fighting | Both |
#041 | Machoke | Fighting | Both |
#042 | Machamp | Fighting | Both |
#043 | Psyduck | Water | Both |
#044 | Golduck | Water | Both |
#045 | Burmy | Bug | Both |
#046 | Wormadam | Bug/Grass(Ground/Steel) | Both |
#047 | Mothim | Bug/Flying | Both |
#048 | Wurmple | Bug | Both |
#049 | Silcoon | Bug | Both |
#050 | Beautifly | Bug/Flying | Both |
#051 | Cascoon | Bug | Both |
#052 | Dustox | Bug/Poison | Both |
#053 | Combee | Bug/Flying | Both |
#054 | Vespiquen | Bug/Flying | Both |
#055 | Pachirisu | Electric | Both |
#056 | Buizel | Water | Both |
#057 | Floatzel | Water | Both |
#058 | Cherubi | Grass | Both |
#059 | Cherrim | Grass | Both |
#060 | Shellos | Water | Both |
#061 | Gastrodon | Water/Ground | Both |
#062 | Heracross | Bug/Fighting | Both |
#063 | Aipom | Normal | Both |
#064 | Ambipom | Normal | Both |
#065 | Drifloon | Ghost/Flying | Both |
#066 | Drifblim | Ghost/Flying | Both |
#067 | Buneary | Normal | Both |
#068 | Lopunny | Normal | Both |
#069 | Ghastly | Ghost/Poison | Both |
#070 | Haunter | Ghost/Poison | Both |
#071 | Gengar | Ghost/Poison | Both |
#072 | Misdreavus | Ghost | Shining Pearl |
#073 | Mismagius | Ghost | Shining Pearl |
#074 | Murkrow | Dark/Flying | Brilliant Diamond |
#075 | Honchkrow | Dark/Flying | Brilliant Diamond |
#076 | Glameow | Normal | Shining Pearl |
#077 | Purugly | Normal | Shining Pearl |
#078 | Goldeen | Water | Both |
#079 | Seaking | Water | Both |
#080 | Barboach | Water/Ground | Both |
#081 | Whiscash | Water/Ground | Both |
#082 | Chingling | Psychic | Both |
#083 | Chimecho | Psychic | Both |
#084 | Stunky | Poison/Dark | Brilliant Diamond |
#085 | Skuntank | Poison/Dark | Brilliant Diamond |
#086 | Meditite | Fighting/Psychic | Both |
#087 | Medicham | Fighting/Psychic | Both |
#088 | Bronzor | Steel/Psychic | Both |
#089 | Bronzong | Steel/Psychic | Both |
#090 | Ponyta | Fire | Both |
#091 | Rapidash | Fire | Both |
#092 | Bonsly | Rock | Shining Pearl |
#093 | Sudowoodo | Rock | Shining Pearl |
#094 | Mime Jr. | Psychic/Fairy | Brilliant Diamond |
#095 | Mr. Mime | Psychic/Fairy | Brilliant Diamond |
#096 | Happiny | Normal | Both |
#097 | Chansey | Normal | Both |
#098 | Blissey | Normal | Both |
#099 | Cleffa | Fairy | Both |
#100 | Clefairy | Fairy | Both |
#101 | Clefable | Fairy | Both |
#102 | Chatot | Normal/Flying | Both |
#103 | Pichu | Electric | Both |
#104 | Pikachu | Electric | Both |
#105 | Raichu | Electric | Both |
#106 | Hoothoot | Normal/Flying | Both |
#107 | Noctowl | Normal/Flying | Both |
#108 | Spiritomb | Ghost/Dark | Both |
#109 | Gible | Dragon/Ground | Both |
#110 | Gabite | Dragon/Ground | Both |
#111 | Garchomp | Dragon/Ground | Both |
#112 | Munchlax | Normal | Both |
#113 | Snorlax | Normal | Both |
#114 | Unown | Psychic | Both |
#115 | Riolu | Fighting | Both |
#116 | Lucario | Fighting/Steel | Both |
#117 | Wooper | Water/Ground | Both |
#118 | Quagsire | Water/Ground | Both |
#119 | Wingull | Water/Flying | Both |
#120 | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Both |
#121 | Girafarig | Normal/Psychic | Both |
#122 | Hippopotas | Ground | Both |
#123 | Hippowdon | Ground | Both |
#124 | Azurill | Normal/Fairy | Both |
#125 | Marill | Water/Fairy | Both |
#126 | Azumarill | Water/Fairy | Both |
#127 | Skorupi | Poison/Bug | Both |
#128 | Drapion | Poison/Dark | Both |
#129 | Croagunk | Poison/Fighting | Both |
#130 | Toxicroak | Poison/Fighting | Both |
#131 | Carnivine | Grass | Both |
#132 | Remoraid | Water | Both |
#133 | Octillery | Water | Both |
#134 | Finneon | Water | Both |
#135 | Lumineon | Water | Both |
#136 | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Both |
#137 | Tentacruel | Water/Poison | Both |
#138 | Feebas | Water | Both |
#139 | Milotic | Water | Both |
#140 | Mantyke | Water/Flying | Both |
#141 | Mantine | Water/Flying | Both |
#142 | Snover | Grass/Ice | Both |
#143 | Abomasnow | Grass/Ice | Both |
#144 | Sneasel | Dark/Ice | Both |
#145 | Weavile | Dark/Ice | Both |
#146 | Uxie | Psychic | Both |
#147 | Mesprit | Psychic | Both |
#148 | Azelf | Psychic | Both |
#149 | Dialga | Steel/Dragon | Brilliant Diamond |
#150 | Palkia | Water/Dragon | Shining Pearl |
#151 | Manaphy | Water | Both (Mystery Gift) |
Pokemon from the Sinnoh Dex will have their entries recorded.
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The Grand Underground is an expansion of the Underground feature found in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. Although Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are not remakes of Pokemon Platinum, the Pokemon introduced in that expansion (like as Ralts and Houndoom) can be found as uncommon Pokemon in the Grand Underground.
To gain entry to the Grand Underground, players must first obtain the gym badge from Oreburgh City and then travel to Eterna City. To obtain the Explorer Kit, speak with the old guy in the house next to the Pokemon Center. Players can find Wandering Pokemon in the Grand Underground by visiting rooms/habitats.
The quantity of badges a player has will determine the level of Grand Underground Pokemon. They can be caught at a level as low as level 16. It will be more difficult to catch these Pokemon if the player’s Pokemon count is low. To make capturing them simpler, bring plenty of Poke Balls and a Pokemon that can inflict Status Ailments.
Pokemon in the Grand Underground
More Pokemon will inhabit the Grand Underground once players have obtained the National Dex. Before the postgame, these are the only Pokemon that can be caught:

Name | Type | Version | Dex |
Swablu | Normal/Flying | Both | National |
Absol | Dark | Both | National |
Gligar | Ground/Flying | Brilliant Diamond | National |
Scyther | Bug/Flying | Brilliant Diamond | National |
Murkrow | Dark/Flying | Brilliant Diamond | Sinnoh |
Teddiursa | Normal | Shining Pearl | National |
Magby | Fire | Shining Pearl | National |
Houndoom | Dark/Fire | Both | National |
Rhyhorn | Ground/Rock | Both | National |
Togepi | Fairy | Both | National |
Lickitung | Normal | Both | National |
Magnemite | Electric/Steel | Both | National |
Ralts | Psychic/Fairy | Both | National |
Skorupi | Bug/Poison | Both | National |
Elekid | Electric | Brilliant Diamond | National |
Swinub | Ice/Ground | Both | National |
Smoochum | Ice/Psychic | Both | National |
Snorunt | Ice | Both | National |
Croagunk | Poison/Fighting | Both | Sinnoh |
Pinsir | Bug | Shining Pearl | National |
The Grand Subway Players that have the National Dex will be able to access Pokemon that aren’t in the Sinnoh Dex.
On Nintendo Switch, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are now available.