How To Beat Cliff In Pokémon GO. Cliff has a new Pokémon Go team for December 2021. Trainers can face off against one of three Team Rocket Admins once they have earned enough Rocket Radar pieces. When opposed to their grunt counterparts, Arlo, Cliff, and Sierra are far more capable trainers. Trainers will need to put together a team that can directly oppose their Pokémon in order to defeat them. Cliff’s plans will be tough to predict with over 18 different typings available throughout the game. Fortunately, if the player loses, Cliff can be quickly rematched against a new team.
In Pokémon Go, activating the Rocket Radar item will find a Team Rocket admin in a nearby Pokéstop. They may also make an appearance within the Team Rocket balloons. The administrator who appears is, however, absolutely random. Trainers seeking to battle Cliff will have to keep looking until he appears at a PokéStop. It’s time to take on Cliff’s troops after you’ve located him.
Cliff will always start with a Grimer in this Pokémon battle. This Grimer has a chance to revert to its Shiny form after the battle is complete. His second and third Pokémon, on the other hand, change depending on the situation. Thankfully, it does not change when the player rematches them. The greatest Pokémon for this battle are those that take advantage of their type vulnerabilities, however a few Pokémon serve as perfect counters. Bring these Pokémon with you to battle Cliff.
Table of Contents
The Best Cliff Counters In Pokémon Go (December 2021)

Grimer (Weak To Ground And Psychic-Type Moves)
- Mewtwo
- Hoopa Unbound
- Alakazam
- Hoopa Confined
Venusaur (Weak To Flying, Fire, Ice, And Psychic-Type Moves)
- Mewtwo
- Hoopa Unbound
- Reshiram
- Galarian Darmanitan
ALSO READ: How To Get Armored Mewtwo In Pokemon Go 2021

Crobat (Weak To Psychic, Ice, Electric, And Rock-Type Moves)
- Mewtwo
- Galarian Darmanitan
- Therian Thundurus
- Rhyperior
Arcanine (Weak To Ground, Water, And Rock Moves)
- SmackDown and Rock Slide are two Rampardos moves.
- SmackDown and Rock Wrecker for Rhyperior.
- Waterfall and Hydro Pump at Kyogre.
- Vaporeon has two weapons: a water gun and a hydro pump.
In Pokémon Go, Mewtwo, Rhyperior, and Lucario function best as a single unit. Cliff will take several efforts to beat in the end. Players can capture his Grimer once the combat is complete. They have the option of purifying the darkness in its heart or keeping it in the PC indefinitely. This duel will deplete the Rocket Radar as well. Trainers who want to fight Arlo and Sierra will have to collect enough pieces to make a new one.
How To Beat Cliff In Pokémon GO?
- MewtwoHoopa UnboundAlakazamHoopa Confined