Where Can I Find Samachurls In Genshin Impact.Samachurls Genshin is a standard boss who commands Hilichurl units and garrisons in Hilichurl camps around Teyvat and Inazuma. In Genshin Impact, there are six different sorts of Samachurls. You must defeat them in order to obtain some crucial ascension materials. Here’s where you can find their locations and boss drops.
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Genshin Samachurl Locations
Impact of Genshin Anemo, Geo, Electro, Cry, Hydro, and Dendro are the six groups of six elements that make up Samachurls. These creatures come in a variety of shapes and sizes, as well as attack patterns. They do, however, share the same boss drops.
Here are the finest Samachurl farming paths in Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, and Dragronspine to find the most of these monsters.
Samachurl locations in Mondstadt
In the Adventure Book, Genshin Impact players can follow the locations of several Samachurls. Here are a few areas in Mondstadt where you can locate this boss.
- Stormterror’s Lair in Mondstadt: you can find up to 10 places of Samachurls around this region. Most of them are Anemo and Dendro monsters.
- Stormbearer Mountains and Stormbearer Points in the east of Mondstadt city. Players will encounter many Dendro and Anemo monsters with small groups of Hilichurls.
- Wolvendom And Brightcrown Canyon in the west of Mondstadt City also has many outdoor camps of Samachurls and Hilichurls. They also spawn near Slimes.
- Thousand Wind Temple in Windrise has five locations of Samachurls.

Samachurl locations around Dragonspine
Geo, Anemo, and Cryo Samachurls are frequently encountered in Dragronspine’s northern reaches. Many monsters lurk near the border between Mingyun Village and the snow-covered region’s southwest entrance. When these monsters appear in groups, they become even more dangerous. Geo Samachurls, in particular, may build high pillars for their comrades, making it more difficult to fight them.

Samachurl farming routes in Liyue
Liyue is also home to a large number of Samachurls. They were strewn across the map. The best paths for players to locate these monsters and farm their drops are listed below.
- Wangshu Inn Area
- Guili Plains
- Cuijue Slope and Tianqiu Valley
Geo Samachurl creatures are highly bothersome in this country. Xiao is the most effective character against these demons. You can also blast them off their platforms with bows.
Samachurls in Inazuma
When you unlock Inazuma, you’ll notice that Samachurl monsters are more tough to vanquish in this country. When the Electro and Hydro demons operate together, they may be quite troublesome. Inazuma’s typical bosses may be found on all five of the country’s major islands. When travelling across the country’s territory, you’ll come across them frequently.

Genshin Impact Boss Drop From Samachurls
The drops are the same for all six varieties of Samachurls Genshin Impact. The quality of the boss drop changes according on the demons’ rank. Consider the following scenario:
- Damaged Mask and Divining Scroll from Samachurls l.v 1+;
- Stained Mask and Sealed Scroll Samachurls l.v 40+;
- Ominous Mask and Forbidden Curse Scroll from Samachurls l.v 60 and above.
You can also use low-level materials to make higher-quality materials. Three Damaged Masks, for example, can be used to make a Stained Mask. These materials are very necessary for weapon and character advancement. You’ll also need them to improve their skills.

All existing characters in need of Samachurl boss drops for ascension and talent development can find them here:
- Mask drops for Chongyun, Eula, Kujou Sara, Xingqui, Jean, Noelle, Razor, and Travelers.
- Scroll drops for Albedo, Barbara, Klee, Qiqi, Yoimiya, and Travelers.
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As a result, you’ll require a lot of Samachurls materials. Simply go collect these materials every day to raise the level of your characters and their abilities.

How To Defeat Samachurls
Big bosses with long HP bars are more powerful than Samachurls. They are, nevertheless, extremely unpleasant because they frequently occur in clusters. Samachurls frequently spawn with a large number of Hilichurls as well as several Elite monster Mitachurls. The Cryo and Electro demons, in particular, can master their elements to unleash devastating strikes.
- As a result, you’ll need some pointers on how to beat them swiftly and without suffering too much damage or squandering food.
- Small monsters should be avoided, while Samachurls should be killed first. These monsters frequently stand outside of combat and assault players using their Elemental abilities.
- To do extra damage to them, use elemental skills, bursts, and responses. Elemental assaults are quite weak against these common foes.
- Claymores can be used to quickly break the platforms of Samachurls. Alternatively, shoot them with the bow and an energy-charged arrow. When these monsters are on the ground, they are more vulnerable.
Those are the greatest places to go for Samachurls Genshin Impact suggestions on how to beat them. To acquire their boss drops and strengthen your characters, you must eliminate as many Samachurl as possible.