How To Transfer Storage In New World. New World takes place on the island continent of Aeternum, a region rich in plants, creatures, minerals, and other enigmatic resources. Of course, as interested gamers who aren’t bound by the restrictions that other MMORPGs impose on professions and classes, most characters cut, mine, and gather as much as they can. All of stuff will have to be stored somewhere, and that will be a problem.
Other open-world games, such as World of Warcraft or Runescape, include centralised storage units that function similarly to banks. New World, on the other hand, is situated in a primitive colonial setting. It lacks civilization amenities such as banking. Instead, gamers must rely on other elements, and transferring all of that information can be both complicated and costly. Here are a few suggestions to help. ​​​
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Why Transfer Storage?
The open-world and survivalist aesthetic are highly emphasised in New World, and resource gathering is not restricted by class or vocation. One of the first lessons players learn is to gather a large number of resources, which demands the need for a storage area until the materials can be refined and made into weapons, armour, jewellery, or delectable meals. Characters can only carry so much at a time, and after a while, they all need to unload.
Types of Storage
The Local Storage Shed

Every colony grants players access to a new Storage Shed. But these are stand-alone storage containers that are not connected to one another. This differs from other MMORPGs in which a player’s storage is kept in a “bank” or another sort of storage that may accessed from a variety of locations. Transferring objects between storage sheds in other cities is feasible, but only if the player’s Faction controls both cities, and even then, the player must pay a charge.
House Storage
If a player owns a home in the same city, they can outfit it with built storage units to operate as an extension of their local Storage Shed, allowing them to retrieve their belongings from the comfort of their own home. The number of storage units a house can have regulated on its Tier level. A Tier One home can have one unit, a Tier Two home can have two, and so on until the house reaches Tier 5.
The Engineering skill in a Workshop most commonly used to make these storage units. However they can also drop from random opponents. The player can utilise these to transport objects from different cities once they’ve been placed in a house. Just like the in-town Storage Shed.
Bag Storage

There are a few ways to increase a character’s carrying capacity in any game where crafting is significant. Arcanists can create Encumbrance Potions to increase a character’s carrying capacity, and those with a high enough Armoring skill can create a variety of Satchels to make carrying as much as possible easier.
Gathering and crafting characters can add Perks to their Sachels to make specific raw materials, such as ore or wood, easier to carry. Materials can only physically transferred from characters’ bags to their in-house chest or storage shed.
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How To Transfer Storage
The Recall Point Method
This is the simplest and cheapest way; it is also the most situational, but it is still useful. It only works if the player wants to move storage from one city to another where they already have a recall point or a home. The character just gathers what they require and teleports back to their Recall Point, which might be either an inn or a private residence. This form of fast travel is completely free, regardless of how much the player is carrying.
The Transfer Point Method
Recall Points have a cooldown that may purchased with Azoth, however if the player has any extra Azoth, they should preserve it for this way of travel. Players can find Transfer Points in settlements and across the wilderness, and they can used to travel quickly.
They use Azoth as a currency, and the more Azoth a player has, the more it costs to travel, and there’s still the issue of the Azoth cap.
The Pack Mule Method
This is exactly what it says on the tin. Give a character the largest Satchel or Satchels he or she can carry, load them up, and begin walking toward the other town. This is easier at the beginning of the game, before the player has done much exploring. The advantage is that players can harvest while travelling if they have enough carrying capacity.
The Faction Advantage Method
It’s the simplest and, in most cases. The cheapest method of storage transfer. Which is why it’s rarely used. Players can move stuff from their Storage Sheds or Chests to their storage space in other villages as long as their Faction controls both of those settlements. Even still, each transfer has a gold cost attached with it, which varies depending on how much it costs; greater weight implies a higher fee.
Every settlement’s name displayed alongside a symbol for the Faction that presently controls it in a handy drop-down menu on the top right of every storage screen. Even if they are unable to transfer their storage, players can view it. If they can, they’ll asked to pay a fee to have the item sent to their local storage facility right away. Despite the price, the convenience fee is well worth it. This is an MMO, and we have more important things to do than clean up the mess!