Skyrim All Hidden Chest Locations. There are numerous unseen chests strewn across The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s world, many of which contain extremely expensive treasures. The nicest aspect about these chests is that they are refreshed on a regular basis, allowing gamers to return to them for more goodies to sell or utilise. Players can swiftly gain power by stealing stuff from these chests.
These chests are tough to locate and only appear in specific locations. There is no lore behind these invisible chests, thus it’s surprising that they exist. They are not mentioned or acknowledged by anyone in the game, thus players may be confused as to why they are there in the first place. They turn out to be an intriguing piece of merchant-related programming. The fact that they exist in the game is technically a bug, which Skyrim has a lot of due to its vast realm.
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Skyrim All Hidden Chest Locations
Finding The Hidden Merchant Chests In Skyrim
In Skyrim, each merchant has a concealed chest where they keep their inventory. Typically, these chests are inaccessible to players, as they are hidden beneath the planet or in other locations that are out of reach. Rather than having all of the products on their person, merchants access this chest when players ask what they have for sale. This is done so that the player cannot access all of the merchant’s items even if they pickpocket or kill them. This also means that they will not equip anything that players sell, as the items will be placed in the chest instead. It would have looked like something out of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind if they hadn’t programmed it this way. In that game, players might sell an item to a merchant, who would then wear it, such as a Daedric helm. As a result, merchants would be outfitted with a variety of high-quality armour and weaponry late in the game.
There are three chests related to the Khajiit trade caravans that travel between the major cities that players can find. They have some nice stuff as well, albeit thankfully no Khajiit fur.
The next one is near Salvius Farm
Dawnstar contains one of the Skyrim’s invisible chests. A little outcropping of three rocks is next to the smelter near Iron-Breaker Mine. These rocks are located exactly south of Irgnir’s House on the map, and may found by facing east. If players gaze directly at the ground in the centre of these boulders, they can find the chest. Because the treasure hidden beneath the ground, players will have to look for a cue to interact with it on the ground. Ahkari, a Khajiit merchant, linked to this chest.
which is located just east of Markarth’s intriguing metropolis. A stone bridge can found to the east of the farm. Instead of crossing the bridge, have a look at the area immediately adjacent to it. A destroyed wall may found on the bridge’s left side. The chest may found next to the wall on the opposite side of the road, roughly in the middle. If the Khajiit traders are present, it’s near one of the tents. The chest, like before, hidden beneath the world and is inaccessible to the player. Fortunately, all players need to do is look along the wall, which they should be able to do quickly. Ma’dran, a Khajiit merchant, linked to this treasure.
A hidden chest can also be found near Solitude. Taking a carriage to Solitude and stopping right outside the main entrance, where the gate is, is the easiest way to get to this one. A tree stands in front of a rock if you turn right. Some weeds are sprouting up just before the tree, and the chest is right in the middle of them. Ri’saad, the last of the Khajiit merchants, owns this chest.
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Finding Hidden Chests That Require Glitches In Skyrim

There are more hidden chests in the game than these three. There are a few more, but getting to them necessitates the use of glitches. Eorlund Grey-Mane linked to one of these chests located in Whiterun. This chest may found beneath the Skyforge. To reach this chest, players must venture beyond the city’s boundaries. Turn right towards Adrienne’s forge from Whiterun’s main entrance. There is an alcove with a barrel along the wall. Jump onto the piece of the wall that is lower than the rest after jumping on top of the barrel. It could take a few tries to get it right. From here, go counterclockwise around the city’s perimeter to Jorrvaskr’s location. To get to the chest, the player must clip through rocks.
Other chests can be found through glitching Skyrim, although whether it’s worth the effort to get to them is debatable. To get to some of them, you’ll have to put in a lot of effort. It may be similar to when you jumped outside the game’s bounds or fell through the ground and told a follower waiting above to plunder the hidden chests. In Whiterun, for example, gamers can command one of their followers to loot numerous of these chests.
If players are serious about getting to these chests, they should disable collision detection with console commands, as they are already outside the scope of what the Skyrim devs intended. Furthermore, even if players are successful in reaching these chests, not all of them contain valuable things. Of course, these chests are ideal for individuals who plan to execute glitch runs or other forms of exploits.
Skyrim All Hidden Chest Locations
The three Khajiit merchant chests described above can all be located without glitching in the world, and they contain a lot of useful things. As players progress through the stages, the chests contain even better items. These three are the most worthwhile to seek out if the player is serious about uncovering hidden chests. They’re not hard to get by. They’re also close to major holds, which means that even those playing survival mode can use carriages to get to the chests swiftly.
Players aren’t meant to be able to interact with these chests, therefore accessing them could be deemed cheating. They were just positioned in an inconvenient location. Because Skyrim is a single-player game, looting these chests isn’t a big deal. It won’t have a negative impact on the game’s economy, and the NPCs don’t appear to mind. It is totally up to the players whether or not to loot these chests.