How To Save Friends Postcards In Pokémon Go. Niantic has included the ability to store friends’ Postcards. Trainers may occasionally obtain Gifts when they explore their surroundings and Pokésteps. These are goods that can be sent as a free present to other players. Trainers will be rewarded with free Pokéballs, Stardust, Eggs, and other goodies within. Not only that, but it also allows trainers to form friendships with one another, which opens up a whole new set of possibilities. Gifts are associated with PokéStops, so each one is assigned to a certain location. These locales will be depicted in Pokémon Go, and users will be able to store them in special Postcard books.
Trainers can find their Postcard book in their inventory by scrolling down. They can save up to 300 Postcards in this area. It’s unclear if this number can be increased in the same way that box storage in Pokémon Go was later increased. The game currently only allows users to arrange them by date or by the person who submitted them. Trainers may have a reason to wish to save a Postcard of somewhere unique because Pokémon Go is a social game that encourages players to explore the environment around them.
To begin, the player must have a friend with whom to share Gifts. Choose ‘Add Friend’ from the avatar symbol in the bottom-left corner of the screen. Trainers can add buddies by scanning a QR code or entering the Trainer ID of another user. As an alternative, you can connect to Facebook and search for friends there. Trainers can now trade, compete against their buddies, and send Gifts. Players can only send one Gift each day in Pokémon Go. When you receive a gift, there will be a pin symbol directly to the right of the ‘Open’ option; picking this will add the Postcard to their book immediately.
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Collecting Gifts In Pokémon Go

Exclusive Pokémon can found all around the world in Pokémon Go. Pokémon like Tauros, for example, can only found in the United States. When you add friends from different regions, the Gifts they send may contain an Egg containing a regionally special Pokémon. On the internet, there are a plethora of trading communities. Collecting a few Postcards from different areas could be handy.
This feature will primarily used by players that fully immerse themselves in the social aspects of the game. Postcards serve no purpose other than to save areas visited by other trainers. It’s just a minor amenity that elevates the experience of travelling around the world. It’s comparable to when Pokémon Go introduced Gift Stickers, which don’t accomplish much for the player. For the most part, this function may go overlooked by certain users. Others, on the other hand, may be concerned with preserving a lifetime of memories.