How To Get Cosmic Sugar Cubes In Destiny 2 Dawning 2021. In Destiny 2, the 2021 Dawning lets players to participate in new activities and gain new items. Some of the things are only for show or are from prior seasons. However, there are certain new things in Destiny 2 that can utilised to improve character equip, such as Cosmic Sugar Cubes.
Cosmic Sugar Cubes can utilised to improve Xur’s treasure. The key to using the materials, which may turned into better armour and gear for Destiny players, is the Starhorse in his treasure trove. Cosmic Sugar Cubes should drop equipment with a greater Power level than the players’ existing weapons and armour. Obtaining Cosmic Sugar Cubes can be time-consuming, but the benefits are well worth the effort.
How to Get Cosmic Sugar Cubes
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Playing the Dares of Eternity six-player event will earn you Cosmic Sugar Cubes. The Treasure Ogre is an opponent that appears in the event. These ogres occur infrequently, and their loot is much more uncommon. When you vanquish the ogres, there’s a chance they’ll drop a Cosmic Sugar Cube. Players can then pick up the cube and take it to Xur and the Starhorse. Once there, players must give the Starhorse the Cosmic Sugar Cube, which will grant them “A Gift In Return.” This gift can be filled with a variety of useful or strong objects.
In recent months, Destiny 2 has been flooded with fresh content. Bungie added additional events and rewards for its 30th anniversary, and the Dawning is doing the same. Cosmic Sugar Cubes are particularly beneficial for these reasons. It’s nothing to scoff at being able to receive high-power stuff without having to quest or play many activities. For expert players, Cosmic Sugar Cubes are an excellent way to gain Light and Power.

Cosmic Sugar Cubes, like previous consumables introduced in the Dawning, successfully entice players to participate in new activities and strengthen their character in Destiny 2. They’re also stylish and special, so the reward they provide well-deserved. The Dares of Eternity a simple event that may completed by both single players and groups.
The Dawning has never included anything as lucrative as Cosmic Sugar Cubes before. They are both beneficial to players and rather simple to obtain.