How To Get Clay In Minecraft. In Minecraft, players can obtain a variety of blocks. Clay is one of them, a grey block that may be mined with any tool. Minecraft, which has been operating for almost ten years and has over one hundred million monthly players as of 2021, is still one of the best games available. Naturally, given the game’s success, Mojang continues to improve it. Caves and Cliffs Part 2 was recently released in Minecraft patch 1.18. Players will be spoiled with new biomes and hostile monsters in the upcoming update, but no official release date has been set.
While new biomes (and, most likely, new blocks) are exciting, existing objects should not be disregarded, especially for players who appreciate creating beautiful structures. Terracotta is one of the available decorative components in Minecraft. Clay can be used to melt this block. The Clay can be found in the following locations.
How To Get Clay In Minecraft
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In Minecraft, clay is a common resource. They are easy to spot around aquatic regions. Swamps, beaches, rivers, shallows, and oceans are all examples. Aside from that, this grey block can be found in the savanna, desert towns, and on the dwellings of select Villagers.
If players have the Hero of the Village status, a Mason Villager may also offer a Clay block. People must kill an Illager Patrol, Illager Outpost, or Illager Raid Captain to get this effect. This will activate the Bad Omen effect.
After that, go inside a settlement to start a Raid. Players must now ensure that the Raid is defeated. If you win, you’ll get the Hero of the Village effect. The Illagers, on the other hand, will win if the enemies destroy all Villagers’ beds or kill the occupants.
A Clay block can be broken with anything, as previously stated. Four Clay Balls can be obtained by mining this block. These balls can then be combined to make a single Clay block.
What Clay Is Used For In Minecraft

Clays are primarily used to make decorative blocks, to put it that way. Aside from that, the item can be traded for an Emerald.
- Terracotta block: Terracotta can be made by melting clay blocks. This decorative block may be dyed in 16 various colours, allowing players to be as creative as they like.
- One Clay Ball will be used to make one Clay Brick. After then, four Clay Bricks can be joined together to form a single Brick block.
- Masons in the novice level are known as Emeralds. Villagers will exchange one Emerald for ten Clay Balls. For this transaction, players must shatter three Clay blocks.
Clays can be used in a variety of ways. It may not be the most useful block in Minecraft, but it’s a must-have for everyone who enjoys building in this sandbox game.