Far Cry 6 contains a plethora of fascinating and unique weapons that are just waiting to be explored. The standard weaponry in the game, on the other hand, are the true stars of the show. This is due to the open-world action shooter’s extensive upgrade system, which is designed to benefit the player.
Michael Llewellyn updated this page on December 18, 2021: When it comes to the greatest weaponry in Far Cry 6, there is no shortage of choice. There are unique weaponry, weapons that may be customised, and more. What is best is subjective to the player due to how fantastic the weapon handling feels in the game. There is a tool for every job and every enemy, due to upgrades that cover everything from precision to armor-piercing shots. More weapons have been added to this guide for gamers to consider. Because of the game’s versatile modification features, even some of the game’s older rank 1 and rank 2 firearms can have staying power in the right hands and with the appropriate modifications.
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The Weapons in Far Cry 6
As a result, the greatest weapons have the most modification options, and many of the best weapons may be obtained at rank 1 early on in the game, which may surprise some players. The Unique Weapons found in Yara are not covered in this guide because their limited nature prevents them from being changed. Instead, it focuses on some of the greatest standard weapons in Far Cry 6 to construct a flawless loadout.
.308 Carbine

- Juans Arms Dealers and Guerrilla Garrisons both sell them.
The rank 2 308 Carbine sniper rifle comes with four attachment modification slots and one stat-boosting mod slot, although it doesn’t have very high stats out of the box.
The.308 Carbine has a lot of staying power as an early-game weapon, and many players will likely use it until they upgrade to an SVD or an MBP. If the player is a rank 4, it can be purchased from Juans Arms merchants, but if the player is a rank 1, it may be purchased from a Guerrilla Garrison.

- Juan’s Arms Dealers and a Guerrilla Garrison bought them.
The hostile helicopters and planes are the biggest annoyances in Far Cry 6. The helicopter in particular is adamant about pursuing Dani through any terrain, and losing them is extremely tough.
The RPG-7 rocket launcher is the ideal weapon for air-based adversaries in this situation, as it can knock out some helicopters in one or two strikes. It’s a tier 2 weapon that may be purchased from a Guerrilla Garrison or the Juan Arms Dealers.

- Juan Arms Dealers and the Guerrilla Garrison sold them to me.
In comparison to the MBP.50, the SVD sniper rifle frequently contested as the greatest in the game. This is because, unlike the MBP, it does not require reloading after each shot, allowing Dani to quickly dispatch foes with good aim.
Juans Arms Dealers or a Guerrilla Garrison can sell you the SVD. However, because Dani only needs to ranked 2 as opposed to rank 9 with the armaments dealers, it can purchased from a Garrison before the arms dealers.
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Sniper Rifle MBP .50

- Guerilla Garrisons (Guerilla Garrisons)
The MBP.50 is the best sniper rifle in Far Cry 6. When it has strengthened with weapon modifications, it is capable of bringing out foes with a single shot, whether it a headshot or not. It’s a formidable weapon that will aid players that prefer to stay hidden, but it also works effectively on helicopters and armoured vehicles.
The player must obtain the MBP.50 from a Guerrilla Garrison in order to obtain it. This is constructed at one of Yara’s three main camps. Montero Farm in Madrugada, Camp Maximas in Valle D Oro, and Patriota’s Peak in El Este are the three camps. When Dani has reached Rank 4, the weapon can acquired once the Guerrilla Garrison has created.
Compound Bow

- The Guerilla Garrison sold it to me.
The Compound Bow is the ideal Rambo weapon because it can be used as a stealth weapon as well as a weapon that can fire missiles capable of taking out armoured vehicles. It’s been tweaked so that it can obtain simple headshots on adversaries without making a noise or alerting swarms of soldiers to Dani’s existence.
When Blast Arrows are added, Dani is able to destroy powerful vehicles such as helicopters and armoured personnel vehicles. They’re also great for detonating Anti-Aircraft cannons, destroying propaganda, and taking out multiple targets at once.
Rifle – MS16 S

- Juan’s Arms Dealers sold it to me.
The MS16 S and its MS16 L variation are accessible at Rank 1 and can obtained on the first island fairly early in the game. Because of its versatility when modded, it’s become a go-to weapon for a number of players.
The MS16 may become an extremely formidable weapon when equipped with the correct sights and armor-piercing ammunition. It may also be used as a 15-round medium-range sniper rifle with the addition of a suitable suppressor.
Rifle – SSGP-58

- Juans Arms Dealers and the Guerilla Garrisons sold them to me.
The MS16 S will serve the player well for a long time in the game, but at rank 4, the only upgrade required is the SSGP-58 assault weapon. With the correct upgrades, it can become one of Far Cry 6’s most devastating weapons.
Because its accuracy is already great, adding a compensator will help it handle and recoil better. It’s also incredibly effective when Blast Rounds added to the mix if one wishes to use it against risky vehicles like helicopters.

- Guerilla Garrisons and Juan’s Arms Dealers were the sources of these weapons.
The best SMG in Far Cry 6 is the MP7, which can purchased from Juan’s Arms Dealers or a Guerilla Garrison dealer in one of the three main base camps in Yara. It’s an excellent weapon for when things get out of hand, especially if the subtle approach has failed.
It’s a must-have for risky shootouts because of its quick fire rate and outstanding handling. Its damage output can enhanced with mods, however the Gut-Wrencher mod boosts the damage output to the body, so players won’t have to worry about hitting accurate shots.
The M9 Pistol

- Guerilla Garrisons and Juan’s Arms Dealers were the sources of these weapons.
The M9 sidearm may not appear to be one of the most flexible weapons in the game at first glance. It’s one of the first weapons Dani will get their hands on, and with the right upgrades, it can last all the way to the endgame.
When equipped with Armor-Rounds, a silencer, and a micro-flex sight, the M9 becomes one of the game’s most lethal stealth weapons. Because getting a headshot is the goal, adding the Headshot Supremo will let the Supremo pack charge faster.