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How To Get Eye Of Newt In Wytchwood

How To Get Eye Of Newt In Wytchwood. Players in Wytchwood must travel through various distinct biomes in order to gather components for spells. From Frog Slime to Gnome Hats, there are new treasures to obtain at each site. The Eye of Newt, which may found in the Swamp, is one of the most difficult things to locate.

Eye of Newt in Wytchwood

The Potion of Blight, a crucial reagent in various spells, will be the first time players will require an Eye of Newt. Players will need to produce one of these potions to finish the Leech chapter. Players only have unlocked the Forest, Fields, and Swamp Wytchwood fast-travel portals at this point, therefore this item must found in one of them. The Poisonous Newt, the animal that drops the Eye, may found in the Swamp.

The Poisonous Newt

Wytchwood players must use their Ax on a Rotten Stump in the Swamp to hunt a Poisonous Newt out of its hiding place. These decaying stumps may found all over the area, and they usually release a Newt along with some twigs. These venomous orange lizards consume flesh but are also venomous. If players examine one of these lizards with the Witch’s Sight, they’ll notice that they have a meaty weakness.

Players will require a Bait Stick after breaking the Rotting Log and discovering a Newt. These reagents allow players to capture a variety of hazardous or quick beasts without putting the witch in danger. These can used to catch Dragonflies in the marsh for their wings and Ichor, but Poisonous Newts will also eat the bait. Bait Sticks made as follows:

  • One Toxic Thistle, a purple-looking plant that grows on the ground in the Swamp Twigs,
  • which can found just about anyplace Meaty Morsels,
  • which players most likely already gotten via Snap Trapping birds for feathers or Wytchwood squirrels for Rodent Lard.

Take a few steps back and place the stick on the ground. In pursuit of food, the lizard will soon approach the stick. Players will need Bait Sticks numerous times during their 10-hour gameplay of Wytchwood, and one bite will cause the Newt to explode into several parts, giving them two Eyes of Newt and some additional meat to use for future Bait Sticks. Keep in mind that Dragonflies, which found all throughout the Swamp, will be seeking Bait Sticks as well, so players should make multiples in case a Dragonfly gets to it first.

Wytchwood is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

How To Get Eye Of Newt In Wytchwood