How To Install Skyrim Alternate Start Mod.It’s no secret that Skyrim is an ancient game in 2021, with a memorable start sequence that many gamers know by heart. Skyrim’s storey starts out a little more linear than the other Elder Scrolls games, but that all changes with one easy (and incredibly popular) addon: Start over And have a different life.
Since its debut, Alternate Start has been a cornerstone of many Skyrim modders’ load orders. Rather than starting with the cart ride to Helgen, players can wake up in a prison cell in the middle of nowhere, ready to embark on any adventure without having to deal with Helgen or the dragon attack. Best of all, it’s also playable on consoles.
What Is The Alternate Start Mod?

Alternate Start does exactly what it says on the tin: after you install it, every new Skyrim save file will start from the character creation screen. After designing naming a character, players thrown inside a jail with nothing but a Statue of Mara, a bed, and some shabby furniture (in true Elder Scrolls flair). Players can pick where their character starts by speaking with the Statue of Mara, as well as some other fundamental RPG components such as your character’s backstory, which impacts things like starting gold, equipment, and more.
Alternate Start does exactly what it says on the tin: it forces every new Skyrim save file to begin at the character creation screen once you install it. Players thrown into a cell with nothing except a statue of Mara, a bed, and some shabby furniture after designing and naming a character (in true Elder Scrolls flair). By chatting with the Statue of Mara, players can choose where their character begins, as well as some other key RPG elements like your character’s backstory, which affects things like starting gold, equipment, and more.
How To Install Alternate Start

Alternate Start a simple mod to install because it listed in Bethesda’s Skyrim in-game modding platform. It’s basically as easy as launching Skyrim, navigating to “Mods” in the main menu, and locating Alternate Start in the listings to install the Alternate Start mod this way. Before starting a new game, download it to your device make sure it’s enabled in your load order. It’s also available through the Nexus Mod Manager, which requires gamers to use the manager instead of a browser to download the Alternate Start addon.
Download the mod files from the Skyrim Nexus or other mod-hosting websites to install it manually on a PC. Then, in your Skyrim/Data folder (typically placed in Steam/Steamapps/Common), dump the individual files indicated in that zip folder. Make sure the.esp files enabled when you run the game, and you’ll be good to go! Always double-check that the mod you download from any source matches the version of your game — Anniversary Edition gamers, for example, have experienced game-breaking problems when trying to load outdated mods.