How to Find The Black Eye skull in Halo Infinite. Players who want to complete their Halo Infinite collectibles list will eventually need to find the Black Eye Skull. Unlike some of the other skulls on the Zeta Halo Ring, players must advance in the storey before they can collect the Black Eye Skull.
Once activated, skulls in Halo Infinite can change various aspects of the campaign. Finding a skull provides players with a new modifier to try out, and the Black Eye Skull offers one of the more chaotic challenges of all the collectible skulls. This skull will make shields recharge only when melee hits are used. However, it must first be picked up.
Obtaining the Black Eye Skull in the Halo Infinite campaign
In Halo Infinite, there are a total of 12 different skulls to collect. Players must travel to the south side of the map to find the Black Eye Skull. The catch is that this section of the Zeta Halo Ring, as well as the main storey, are off-limits until players progress far enough.
The mission ‘The Sequence’ is the key to unlocking the southern side of the Zeta Halo Ring map. Once granted access to begin this mission, players will be able to travel to the southern side of the map to bring the fight to even more Banished soldiers. The lake near FOB Kilo and the Riven Gate is the location that players must seek out.
There will be a waterfall at the lake that is fairly easy to find, and going there will bring players one step closer to the Black Eye Skull. The AI scan can be used near the waterfall to reveal the location of the skull, making it easier to find.
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Grappling to the Black Eye Skull in Halo Infinite

With the Black Eye Skull identified, it’s time to use the grappling hook to scale the waterfall. There will a small platform or ledge on the right side of the waterfall that can grappled to. It is critical to land this grapple before moving on to the skull.
There will a small opening behind the water that leads to the cave where the Black Eye Skull is kept. From there, players can claim their trophy and make recharging shields in Halo Infinite that much more difficult.