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Where To Farm Ascension Materials In Genshin Impact

Where To Farm Ascension Materials In Genshin Impact

Where To Farm Ascension Materials In Genshin Impact.That’s all there is to know about the Wanderer’s Troupe. You should employ Wanderer’s Troupe carefully after answering the question “who is Wanderer’s Troupe beneficial for?” and finding sites to farm it.

Where To Farm Ascension Materials For Gorou

Inazuma’s Gorou is a fictional character. To level up this Geo supporter in Inazuma, players must collect some local materials, same like other Genshin characters. Here is a list of all the places in Genshin Impact where you can farm ascension materials for Gorou.

Sango Pearl168 pearlsWatatsumi Island’s east coast;Around Suigetsu Pool;Sangonomiya Shrine’s reef;Heart of Watatsumi’s inner and outer rings.
Perpetual Heart46 itemsDefeat Lv. 30+ Perpetual Mechanical Array Boss
Prithiva TopazA Sliver9 Fragments9 Chunks6 GemstonesDefeat normal bosses: Geo Hypostasis, Primo Geovishap, Perpetual Mechanical Array, Golden Wolflord;Eliminate weekly bosses: Wolf of the North Challenge, Beneath the Dragon-Queller;Buy from Marjorie’s and Xingxi’s souvenir shops in Mondstadt and Liyue;Commission Bonus RewardsAlchemy
Specter Drops18 Spectral Husk30 Spectral Heart36 Spectral NucleusDefeat SpectersAlchemy

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In addition, you must pay 420,000 Mora for each ascension phase.

How To Get Gorou Ascension Materials

To begin, you’ll need a lot of Sango Pearls to reach Gorou’s maximum level. Please keep in mind that these materials will respawn in real-world time after two days. Because you can only farm 44 pearls every 48 hours, you must return to those sites to acquire pearls.

The Perpetual Mechanical Array is a deadly regular boss with devastating physical assaults. In Inazuma, the Ruin Machine boss may be located in the domain on Narukami Island. As a result, you’ll need a powerful team that includes a physical DPS, a shield generator, and a healer. The best DPS options are Hu Tao, Ayaka, and Diluc.

Furthermore, when traversing the map, you must collect all drops after eliminating Specters. Specters are demons who fly. As a result, you should defeat them using Hu Tao or Klee.

Where To Farm Ascension Materials In Genshin Impact