Warframe: Where To Get Harrow Prime Relics.You know you’ve made it big when you start marching around in matte black armour with gold trim. Nobody bothers a man dressed in those colours, especially when he’s as well-known and respected as Harrow Prime. On Harrow Prime, no one fronts. Here’s where you can collect Harrow Prime Relics in Warframe if you want to look serious.
The primary blueprint, as well as the chassis, neuroptics, and systems blueprints, are required to create the Harrow Prime Warframe. You can put the three component blueprints together to build Harrow Prime in all of its golden splendour once you have them.
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Where to get Harrow Prime Relics in Warframe
The following Prime Relics can be used to obtain Harrow Prime’s components:
- AXI K6 is the blueprint.
- Meso G3 chassis
- AXI T8 Systems: Lith H3 Neuroptics

AXI Relics may be used to gain both the main Blueprint and the Neuroptics Blueprint, and Eris is the greatest area to look for AXI Relics. You will receive one AXI Relic if you complete the Xini Interception mission on Eris in the B and C cycles.
We’ll need Meso Relics for the Chassis Blueprint, so head over to Jupiter. You have a decent chance of getting a Meso relic if you complete the A Rotation Io Defense task. You don’t even have to remain that long; simply wait for ten waves before restarting the game to grind them.
Because the Lith Relics for the Systems are rare, they’ll be the most difficult to come by, but the Void is an excellent place to start looking. Almost always, completing the Hepit Capture task quickly results in a Lith Relic.
You can use a Void Fissure quest to open up the Relics after you have them. Assuming they have the necessary components, you can put them all together and create Harrow Prime.