Where To Find All Voidrunner Caches In Solar Ash.Solar Ash is a stunning open-world game set in a desolate-yet-vibrant planet brimming with mystery and intrigue. Solar Ash’s main heroine, Rei, is attempting to save her planet from impending disaster while simultaneously trying to figure out what happened to the rest of her crew. Rei must locate Voidrunner caches carrying logs from their mission in order to figure out where her crew has gone.

Rei can uncover six Voidrunner caches from the team’s resident science officer, Tufte, in the Luminous Peak section of Solar Ash. Tufte’s costume will be unlocked for Rei to wear if all six of her caches are found. When employing Rei’s scan ability, Tufte’s suit has the ability to highlight unclaimed Voidrunner caches.
Six Voidrunner caches from the team’s resident science officer, Tufte, can be found in the Luminous Peak region of Solar Ash. Tufte’s costume will be unlocked for Rei to wear once all six of her caches are found. When employing Rei’s scan ability, Tufte’s suit automatically highlights unclaimed Voidrunner caches.
Table of Contents
Overlooking The Entrance

Before reaching the main part of the region, players will face two small islands while approaching the Luminous Peak. A modest building with a checkpoint is located on the second of these islands. Players should look to the left for a Voidrunner mark before proceeding through this structure.
Before reaching any black, climbable goo, follow the way around the exterior of the island. To get to the next level, use the goo, then leap to the next platform before boosting over the gap to the checkpoint building’s roof. This is where you’ll find the first Voidrunner cache.
Inside The Underground Lava Cave

Players will find themselves wandering through a tiny cavern filled with lava after defeating the flying Remnants in the initial area of Luminous Peak and activating the blue and yellow rails. Another Voidrunner cache found towards the back of this room, but there no means to get to it from here.
To get to the red mushroom spore pod, keep travelling out of the tunnel and up the left-hand path. Continue skating past this spore pod and around the island’s centre until Rei reaches a tiny cliff with a Voidrunner mark on it. Below the mark, Rei can climb through some well-hidden black goo to a back entry into the lava tunnel and the platform containing the Voidrunncer stash.
The Building On The Far Island

Rei can reach the far island with the smokestack after activating the two red grind tracks on the island with the lava cavern using red spore pods. Players can find a Voidrunner mark on the little building close to the chimney after disembarking from the rail and ascending the black goo up the main platform of the island.
The luminous mushroom beneath the building will generate a rail that Rei can use to jump over to the top of the building, but this option will be unavailable if players try to claim this cache after defeating the boss. Rather, utilise neighbouring mushrooms as platforms to achieve the necessary elevation to reach the roof.
Broken Cathedral Wall

Rei can find the next Voidrunner cache past Cyd’s platform and through several obstacles until she reaches a shattered cathedral wall that serves as a platform. Skate a short distance up the wall before checking to your right for a Voidrunner mark beside a red sport receptacle.
The red spore pod discovered a bit farther on, on a platform that only reached by doubling back. Activate a grind rail that goes up to a concealed platform containing the Voidrunner cache by hitting the pod and skating across to the spore receptacle.
Surrounded By Spikes

To reach the next Voidrunner stash, Rei must climb the shattered cathedral wall to the next location, avoiding the lava by managing the jumps and limited passage. When you approach the enormous chimney, turn left and take another path highlighted by plasma globs.
Just ahead, the Voidrunner cache seen, but it’s ringed by pressure-sensitive spikes. Rei must skate past the cache while avoiding the spikes and Remnants in order to reach and smash the red bulb, which will eliminate the spikes. Return to the beginning of the journey to claim the Voidrunner cache.
Guarded By Remnants

The final Voidrunner cache in the Luminous Peak discovered at the highest point in the region, on the brink of a lava lake. To get to the lake, follow the trail from Cyd’s platform all the way to the end, but getting there is the easy part.
Skate to the area’s far right corner to discover the first grappling point, which leads up to a black goo-covered wall. Destroy any adjacent foes before climbing to the pillar’s top and grappling to the next goo location. To get to the next goo area, utilise the time slip ability to go to the next grappling point, then double jump to toss Rei around the wall and grapple again.
To evade the next Remnant’s onslaught, destroy the beam Remnant on this pillar before rapidly grappling between the two mid-air grapple spots. After defeating the Remnant with a few strokes of Rei’s weapon on the next goo wall, leap off the pillar and capture the final Voidrunner treasure without interrupted.