Rarefied Limonite Location In Final Fantasy XIV.You might be wondering how you can start earning those valuable Purple Scrips, which are essential to improve your gear and begin harvesting Materia to fuse onto your jewellery once you’ve reached level 90 mining. We have a guide on how to get Purple Scrip here, and as a Miner, you’re probably also curious about how to earn Rarefied Annite in Final Fantasy XIV – keep reading to find out.
To begin, you must first level Miner to 90, which you can achieve using our tutorial. Next, make sure you’re wearing at least full, or nearly full, item level 500 gear – the greater the item level, the better, since it assures you’re meeting the very minimum Gathering and Perception requirements.

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Then, on the left side of the menu, click the Special icon to open your Gathering Log. This should bring up your Collectables list, with your target at the bottom. When you click it, it will tell you that you can only get Rarefied Annite in The Twelve Wonders, Elpis, from 10:00 to 12:00 and 22:00 to 00:00 Eorzea Time.

Normal rotation might not be enough. The goal is still to get 1000 Collectability in order to maximise your Purple Scrip prizes, therefore apply the following rotation: Scrutinize + Scour 3 times > Scour > Gather 2 times If Gatherer’s Intuition triggers, try to get a change with Meticulous Prospector to prevent losing integrity. You may anticipate to obtain two Rarefied Annite gathers per cycle when you first start out, which will bring you 80 Purple Scrip when you turn it in.