Where To Start Reaper Job FFXIV.Reaper is a brand new class to play in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker. This tutorial will show you where to start the Reaper career in FFXIV Endwalker so you can unlock the brand new job and start exploring its new features and mechanics.
Every new class in Final Fantasy XIV introduced in the same way. Some players are eager to get their hands on the new storey content as soon as possible, while others relish the prospect of beginning a new class and bringing it up to expansion-ready status as quickly as humanly feasible. Thankfully, the Reaper duty starts at level 70, so you can get there quickly.
- The Reaper a new class introduced with the Endwalker expansion, it’s primarily a DPS class that focuses on a unique pet
- You need to have purchased the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker expansion, otherwise you will not be able to unlock
- Like previous classes unlocked with expansions, the Reaper will start at a higher level, it begins at level 70
- You can unlock the Reaper job in Ul’Dah on the Steps of Nald. The quest called Killer Instinct.

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Where To Start Reaper Job FFXIV
As long as you have the expansion loaded and linked to your account, you can unlock the Reaper class as soon as you start playing. You must travel to Ul’Dah and the Nald Steps (the location shown in the image above). An NPC found at this area. Speak with the NPC, and they explain some of the basics of the Reaper class, and you will be allowed to switch to the Reaper job once the conversation is completed.
That’s all there is to know about unlocking Reaper in Final Fantasy XIV’s Endwalker DLC. Check out our tutorial on how to unlock the Sage class if you fancy yourself as a healer.