Where To Find Mewtwo In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl The legendary Pokemon, first introduced in first-generation Pokemon games, are few as symbolic as Mewtwo, and not many more powerful. Since its first appearance in Red & Blue over a quarter of a century ago, the genetically engineered psychic type has returned to many other Pokemon games and is back in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.
Unfortunately, anyone who wants to catch Mewtwo in a 4th generation remake will have to take the time. Like many other legendaries in Brilliant Diamonds & Shining Pearls, you can’t catch Mewtwo until you’re deep into the post. -game. Even if the player needs a little extra motivation to stick, the chances of catching Mewtwo are almost always sufficient.
Where to find Mewtwo in Brilliant Diamonds & Shining Pearls

Mewtwo can be found in the Genome Room in Ramanas Park; a post-match area that players can use after defeating the elite quartet and unlocking National Dex. Unfortunately, encountering Mewtwo is far from walking in the park. Players first need to capture at least eight other legendary Pokemon before the failed Mew clone decides to appear.

In order to encounter legendary Pokemon in La Manas Park, players need to obtain special slates. When it comes to super dreams, they need a genomic slate, and like other slates, they must use it on the counter to the left of the park entrance in exchange for the mysterious fragments. This may sound simple on paper, but players need to find up to 27 mysterious fragments to get the genomic slab, which requires most players to hone in the big dungeon for at least four hours to complete.

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Players catch one of the three Legendary Titans, Latios, Latias, and three Legendary Beasts (for Brilliant Diamonds only) or three Legendary Birds (for Shining Pearls only), and finally get the Genome Slate. You can put it in. .. You then need to take it to the elevated platform Genome Room in the center of the park and place it on a mysterious pedestal to summon Mewtwo.
How to catch Mewtwo with Brilliant Diamonds & Shining Pearls

When it appears, Mewtwo can actually be caught much easier than some of the other Pokemon found in Ramanas Park. This is not due to the low catch rate, but to the move set. Unlike the three Legendary Titans (which tend to run out of PP and knock out themselves) and the Weather Trio (which can heal themselves in combat), the Mewtwo move set is incredibly easy.

Its three moves (Mist, Guardian Exchange, and Energy Exchange) are harmless, and one has 30 PP, which means that players only need to really worry about channeling. Therefore, taking a dark Pokemon can gradually weaken Chaomeng’s health without worrying about the slightest harm. Therefore, capturing super dreams should be easy, especially when compared to other legendary Pokemon in certain games.