Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl: How To Evolve Onix Into Steelix.Onix is one of the most well-known Pokemon of the Rock and Ground types. Onix has appeared in practically all Pokemon games as a Gen I Pokemon, and it reappears in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. If you wish to evolve Onix, you’ll need to know where to get it and how to do so, just like with other Pokemon. We’ll show you where to get Onix and how to evolve it into Steelix in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, as well as the procedures to take to obtain a Steelix.
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How to get Onix in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Onix may be found at Oreburgh Mine, where it has a 10% chance of spawning. With a moderately low spawn rate, finding an Onix may take some searching. Onix is a Ground-type Pokemon that is immune to Electric attacks and has a 50% chance of having Sturdy. Sturdy. If you’re having problems catching it, you can use Super Fang, a Normal-type attack.
Onix can also be found at Iron Island later in the game. At this location, there’s a 30% possibility of finding Onix deep inside the cave. Snowpoint Temple, Stark Mountain, Victory Road, and the Grand Underground are some of Onix’s other places.

How to evolve Onix into Steelix in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
You must find and obtain the Metal Coat in order to evolve Onix into a Steelix. Give Onix the Metal Coat to keep and trade with someone to evolve it into a Steelix. Following the trade, the Onix will evolve into Steelix in the other player’s inventory, which they can then return to you.
We recommend completing this job with a friend or someone you can trust to return your Pokemon because it does involve a degree of confidence. You must get beyond the first Pokemon Gym and walk downstairs in any Pokemon Center to exchange. To open the Union Room, speak with the lady behind the counter and then hit the Y button while outside. Local trading is possible, as well as online trading through the Global Room.