How To Use XP Boost In Halo Infinite. So far, Halo Infinite has received an interesting welcome as fans praise the gameplay but criticize its progress and monetization. Thankfully, fans can partially allay concerns about Halo Infinite’s slow progression by leveraging the XP Boost that players will periodically earn through the Battle Pass. Earning XP boosts is easy – just play multiplayer matches and complete challenges. But how do players use the experience boost in Halo Infinite?
While the menu system is hardly the main attraction of Halo, it does affect gameplay. Halo Infinite is cute, although it can be a little confusing to navigate at times, making certain features difficult, such as finding a store and battle pass tracks. Unfortunately, XP boosts are also hidden in the menu, so players need to know where to find them.
How to use double experience gain in Halo Infinite

First and foremost, Halo Infinite players need to be out of the game when using boosts. To use the boost, go to the Battle Pass menu. Players can access this from the top right of the main menu or by pressing the “Y” on the Xbox controller. From there, there is an option called “Boost”. Select Boost to display a menu showing both XP Boost and Level Skip. Just select XP Boost and the timer will start ticking.
Using Halo Infinite Double XP Boost
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There are a few things to keep in mind when using Double XP Boost. First and foremost, don’t spend too much time idling on the menu or customizing the Spartans, as the boost will drop outside the match. In addition, the boost is currently said to last for 30 minutes, but for a total of 1 hour. 343 Industries did this to alleviate concerns about slow progress that were plagued early in the game. Also, try to use boosts in challenges that are easy to complete.
However, that’s all. It’s one thing to use Halo Infinite’s XP Boost, but it’s another thing to use it well. However, balancing these elements can help speed up the process of the battle pass, and the slow process is one of Halo Infinite’s current fatal flaws. However, 343 does seem to be eager to speed up in the future, so things look promising.