Where To Find And Catch Cresselia In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl. Despite the absence of Darkrai, the Lunar Duo has still represented in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl thanks to the inclusion of Cresselia. The psychic-type Legendary can be found deep in the post-game and is one of the more difficult and frustrating Legendaries to catch in the gen 4 remakes. Fortunately, there are a couple of strategies that can help make the task a little less daunting.
The thing that makes Cresselia so difficult to capture isn’t her low catch rate or her immense power, but rather how players come across her in the first place. As series fans are already aware, tracking down roaming Pokemon can be a nightmare, and this is once again the case in Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.
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Cresselia can be found in Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Before catching Cresselia, players must first defeat Cynthia and then upgrade their Pokedex by returning to Rowan’s lab after encountering all 151 Sinnoh-native Pokemon. The latter may sound intimidating, but by the end of the storey, most players should have seen all but a few of them, with only Drifloon (return to Valley Windworks after defeating Team Galactic), Lumineon (evolve from Finneon at level 31), and Palkia or Dialga (speak to Cynthia’s grandmother in Celestic Town) missing from their dexes.

Players should travel to Canalave City once they have unlocked the National Pokedex. When they arrive, they must pay a visit to Sailor Eldritch’s house, which is located on the west side of the city, next to the ship. Inside, they’ll find the ship captain’s son, who is suffering from terrible nightmares, according to the game.
Eldritch will explain that he needs a Lunar Feather to cure his son and will request that the player accompany him to Fullmoon Island, to which they should obviously agree. It’s only a small island, with a single path leading to a clearing where Cresselia waits. When players interact with her, however, the Pokemon flees, thankfully leaving a Lunar Feather behind for the sick child. Players can begin to prepare for another frustrating chase after returning to Eldritch and Canalave City.
Where to Look for Roaming Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Catching Cresselia, like catching Mesprit, the games’ other roaming Pokemon, can be extremely frustrating. Players will once again need to use the Marking Map on their Poketch to keep track of the Pokemon’s location in order to return to the same route that they took before.

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To speed up the process, players can manipulate the movement of Cresselia by repeatedly traversing one of the invisible boundaries connecting the city and one of its connecting routes. Jubi Life City is a great place to do this, as not only are there four different exits. But only one of them requires the player to pass through the building. Once Cresselia appears on the route connected to Jubilife. Players must walk to Cresselia, save the game, and then trigger an encounter on land or underwater. If you do not see Cresselia, you need to restart the software and try again.
How to catch Cresselia with Brilliant Diamonds & Shining Pearls
If it wasn’t difficult enough to encounter Cresselia, catching her could be an absolute nightmare. Her first action is always to escape. So if you want to add her to your team, you have to act decisively. Some choose to use a fake swipe to weaken the Pokemon and then repeat the above steps to trigger another encounter. It’s definitely much better to use hypnosis to put her to sleep. Or to use the average look to prevent her from escaping. Both can be learned by Gastly’s theory of evolution.

Another strategy is to throw a super ball immediately and reload it the moment Cresella breaks free. It’s not very fast, but it definitely works, especially if the player weakens the Pokemon first. And then uses this method the second time they encounter Creseria.