Halo Infinite Melee Glitch Guide The multiplayer component for Halo Infinite is now available and many players have enjoyed the gameplay. As the game introduces new mechanics that refresh the Halo formula, like the Grapple Shot, many classic features have returned as well. One of those recurring game mechanics associated with multiplayer is hand-to-hand combat.
While many first-person shooters have a hand-to-hand combat feature, few are as integral to the gaming experience as they are in the Halo series of games. It is important to understand the skill and often use it in games as it is very effective in combat. A single melee can deplete an opponent’s shields, while a second can take them out. Plus, it’s an instant kill when you’re fighting an enemy in the back.
In a post on TikTok, a user named MrARMBARS revealed an error involving the melee mechanism of the Halo Infinite multiplayer game. According to the player, the player who uses this fault can engage in a melee faster than usual. In the short film, he demonstrates the technique used to execute an overwhelming melee. In one game, he ran to an unsuspecting enemy and fought with them twice. The speed of his shots was much faster than the usual speed of the mechanics, which made his opponent too late to react. “This is terrible,” he said.
In order to execute the malfunction, MrARMBARS explained that the player needs to shoot their weapon first. According to the player, the next step is a melee, and then quickly press the reload button. Then the player only needs to alternate between melee and reloading actions, and can continue melee with a short time between two hits.
Revealing an overwhelming melee attack, this clip has caught the attention of many TikTok Halo Infinite fans. With over 369K views and 16.3K likes, many people were intrigued by glitches. However, I’ve noticed that many people are concerned about this bug because it makes multiplier matching uncompetitive.
Halo Infinite Melee Glitch Guide

As this TikTok clip shows, proximity glitches are very powerful in Halo Infinite. It will be interesting to see how 343 Industries developers will deal with this issue in the future.
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