Can You Get Scammed Pets Back?
Adopt Me: How To Get Your Scammed Pets Back.You’ve most likely been duped or hacked if you’re reading this. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this; I know how inconvenient it is when someone steals your belongings.
So, in Adopt Me!, can you get your scammed pets/items back? No, you won’t be able to. If you message Adopt Me! support, they will not be able to help you get your things or pets back.

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This is due to their inability to distinguish between who is lying and who is telling the truth. Even if you have been defrauded or hacked, they will not return your things to protect the players and the game.
If you’re desperate, try contacting the fraudster or hacker and politely requesting that they return your belongings. This is unlikely to work because they will ignore you, but it’s worth a go.
How Can You Stop Getting Scammed?
If you’re constantly being scammed or hacked, you need to improve your account security. If you are frequently hacked, you should update your password to something that is difficult for hackers to guess.
You should never visit or click on any links sent to you in the game or through your messages. If they aren’t your buddies, don’t put your faith in them! The majority of hackers will deceive you into believing you are pals.
Finally, before trading pets or stuff, always do your research and pay heed to the trade warnings. They are most likely a fraudster if they are attempting to obtain your pets for free or at a low cost.