Where To Find And Catch Palkia & Dialga In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl. Palkia and Dialga are the mascots of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, and each not only appears on the covers of their respective games, but also plays an important role in the team Galactic storyline that runs throughout both. They’re two of the most powerful Legendary Pokemon of all time, as one might expect given their prominence, and are definitely worth catching if players are able.
Unlike some of the other Legendaries in the games, players will need to interact with Palkia (Shining Pearl) or Dialga (Brilliant Diamond) in order to complete the main storey, but whether or not they actually catch them will be entirely dependent on their dexterity.
Palkia and Dialga Locations in Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
To find Palkia and Dialga, players must climb to the summit of Mt. Coronet. They won’t be able to do this right away, so they’ll have to wait until they’ve defeated Candice at the Snowpoint City Gym, visited Lake Acuity, and defeated Cyrus at the Team Galactic Headquarters in Veilstone City. After that, they should stock up on Ultra Balls and then use their newly acquired Rock Climb HM to reach the upper areas of Mount Coronet.
Players will eventually arrive at the Spear Pillar after reaching the mountain’s highest point, where Cyrus will summon one of the two Legendary Pokemon. Dialga will be the challenge in Brilliant Diamond, while Palkia will be the challenge in Shining Pearl. However, before they can try to catch them, they must first defeat Commander Mars and Commander Jupiter in a double battle with their adversary, sit through a short cutscene, and then defeat Cyrus in another one-on-one duel.

Palkia and Dialga Capture in Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
After defeating Cyrus, players will have a brief conversation with Professor Rowan. After which they will be able to engage in battle with the Legendary Pokemon by approaching it and pressing the A button. Unless they intend to use a Master Ball to catch it, players should save the game before proceeding. As if they accidentally kill the Pokemon in battle, they will not be able to catch it again. The same is true if they run out of Pokeballs or run away after one of their Pokemon is knocked out.
Given that players received a Master Ball at the Team Galactic Headquarters earlier in the game. Many players prefer to use it on Palkia or Dialga. This isn’t a bad idea, because the two Pokemon are among the most difficult to catch in the entire series. Not just Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, with a catch rate of only three. Players will need to lower the Pokemon’s HP and then rely on Ultra Balls. If they have already used their Master Ball or are saving it for something else.

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Palkia and Dialga are fairly durable Pokemon at Level 47., So players shouldn’t be concerned about killing them with a single attack unless they’re massively over-leveled.

Players will eventually catch Palkia/Dialga if they can keep. One of their Pokemon alive and don’t run out of Ultra Balls.

After capturing the Legendary Pokemon, players should investigate the area behind where it was originally standing rather than leaving right away. Those who play Brilliant Diamond will find an Adamant Orb there.