Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl: How To Beat Crasher Wake. Apart from the difficult water level puzzle, Pastoria City’s gym contains the fourth gym badge, which is difficult to obtain. Gym Leader Crasher Wake only uses powerful Water Pokémon, and there are only a few Pokémon that are effective against them at the moment.
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Crasher Wake in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: How to Beat It?
Trainers must press a specific combination of buttons to create a path to the gym leader in order to reach Crasher Wake. Unfortunately, you’ll have to fight at least three trainers to finish this path. This is the sequence in which it must be finished.
- To begin, go to the gym’s bottom-left corner and press the yellow button.
- Take the stairs to a path that ends just feet away from Wake, and then press the green button.
- Return to the gym’s bottom-left corner and click the blue button next to the sailor.
- After that, continue down and take the path that leads to the gym’s top-right corner. The green button next to the fisherman should be pressed.
- Take the stairs down to the bottom-right corner of the gym and press the yellow button.
- Return north and take the path to the left side of the gym once that’s done. This should lead you to a flight of stairs and the final blue button, which will take you to Wake.
Which Pokémon Does Crasher Wake Use?

Crasher Wake, like previous gym leaders, has only three Pokémon in his party and plenty of potions to heal them. The Pokémon that will be used in this order are Gyarados (Lv. 27), Quagsire (Lv. 27), and Floatzel (Lv. 30).
Crasher Wake’s Pokémon have a slight level advantage over Maylene’s Pokémon, but their move sets are the most intimidating factor.
Gyarados and Floatzel will most likely use Ice Fang, a move that works best against Grass and Flying-types.
Meanwhile, because Electric-type Pokémon are likely to be brought to the gym, Quagsire will use Mud Shot to dispatch them in two to three blows, depending on their level.
Best Pokémon to Use in the Fourth Gym
Trainers who focus their parties on Electric and Grass Pokémon will have the best chance of success because this gym is dominated by Water-type Pokémon. Because Gyarados is a Flying-type Pokémon and Quagsire is a Ground-type Pokémon, effective Ice moves are essential.
Because most Ice Pokémon are found later in the game, you’re better off spending 5500 Pokédollars at the Veilstone Department Store on attacks like Blizzard. Common Pokémon that can learn Ice moves include Bidoof, Buizel, Shellos, and their evolutions.

Anyone who has Turtwig as their primary Grass-type should look no further. Bullet Seed and Razor Leaf, for example, will be extremely effective against Wake’s three Pokémo.
Roselia is a great backup option for those who don’t have the starter, as it usually comes with moves like Magical Leaf and Mega Drain. Roselia can be found on Route 212 or in the Underground Hideaways (just west of Pastoria).
Despite their scarcity, strong Electric-types are just as damaging to Water Pokémon as Grass-types.
Electric Pokémon, the most common of which is Pachirisu, can be found along Route 205 near the Valley Windworks. Pachirisu’s best attacks against Water Pokémon are Spark, Nuzzle, and Electro Ball, all of which can be learned by Level 25.
That’s all we’ve got on how to beat Crasher Wake in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.